Open Calendar
Student working on a lab experiment with a petri dish.


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Animal Subjects


Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC),  guided by federal regulations and ethical principles, is dedicated to the humane care, and use of animals in activities related to research and teaching conducted at the University of Central Missouri.  All research and teaching involving vertebrate animals that is conducted or authorized under the jurisdiction of UCM is subject to review by the IACUC.

Researchers are required to complete the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training certification before a protocol will be approved.

If your research has been completed, please notify the IACUC committee by completing the . If you need to make a change in your original project, please submit an .

Before Starting Animal Research

Students outside of the WC Morris building.

Starting the Protocol Process

Researchers should consult with Research Review ( before submitting a protocol.  They will be able to guide researchers to the correct form for the research project.

Typing on a computer keyboard.


Applications are submitted by the Principal Investigator to the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee through the submission form found under the application tab. 

Go to the application tab, click on IACUC submission form, complete your information, attach the application, and submit.  For additional guidance and support, please go to the Forms & Resources page.

Students working on laptops.

CITI Training

OSPRI covers the cost for all faculty, staff, and students to complete as many CITI modules as are available. Researchers must complete the CITI Working with the IACUC module.  If the research is funded through a grant or contract, Principal Investigators must complete the RCR Administrator training and the Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) training modules. Each module’s certification is good for up to three years. Additional information on how to register with CITI is available in the Forms and Resources page.

IACUC Application Forms

Students doing field research in the woods.

Protocol For Animal Care and Use (Field Project Form)

If a researcher is going out into the field to collect, interact, or get samples of animals, this is the type of protocol that needs to be submitted.


Faculty member doing lab research.

Protocol For Animal Care and Use (Lab Project Form)

Research conducted in a laborartory environment, such as controlled experiments, needs to have the lab protocol form submitted.


Administration building in the fall.

Animal Incident Form

This must be completed within 72 hours of incident occurring. Should an unanticipated event occur, the form must be filled out to ensure a speedy response to rectify the situation and/or provide necessary treatment.

Animal Incident
