Each year, the Career and Life Design Center collects data from UCM graduates regarding
their primary post-graduation status. The Graduate Follow-Up Survey collects information
designed to capture initial career outcomes for students 6 months after receiving
their degree, using guidelines set by the National Association of Colleges and Employers
(NACE). These standards focus on the notion of a “career outcomes rate.” This is described
as the percentage of graduates who fall into the following categories:
• Employed full time
• Employed part time
• Participating in a program of voluntary service
• Serving in the U.S. Armed Forces or those of a home country
• Enrolled in a program of continuing education
The term “knowledge rate” defines the percent of graduates for which the institution has reasonable and verifiable information concerning the graduates’ post-graduation career activities. Data is sourced from survey responses, department data, National Student Clearinghouse, and online sources.
UCM graduates voluntarily complete the Graduate Follow-Up Survey. The data listed in the reports below does not represent every UCM graduate, but only those who responded to the survey.
NACE Standards and Protocols for the Collection of Career Outcomes for Undergraduates
NACE Standards and Protocols for the Collection of Career Outcomes for Advanced Degrees