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Integrate Career Development Into Academics

Prepare Students for the Professional World

Let us support you in preparing your students for their professional endeavors. Our trained W.I.S.E Coaches and Career & Life Design Advisors are ready to aid students in shaping their career and life journeys. We receive expectations from employers and convey them to students, ensuring they are well-prepared for their chosen career paths. It's observed that students who proactively seek out our services benefit the most. By incorporating career development and Life Design into your curriculum and encouraging students to engage with the Career and Life Design Center, we aim to reduce the number of students requiring assistance. Here are several specialized services offered by our office.

Help Your Students Develop a Plan

Partner with the Career and Life Design Center to integrate career development experiences into your students’ academic plan. Assign your students to come visit our Walk-in Studio Experience (W.I.S.E) to receive peer to peer coaching in any of the following areas:

- Handshake
- Resume and Cover Letter Assistance
- Interview Preparation
- Part-time, Internship and Full-time Job Search Assistance
- Virtual and in-person Career Events
- Life Design Activities
- Graduate/Professional School Preparation

Help Your Students Connect with Opportunities

Approximately 500 employers visit our campus each year to recruit our students for internships & full-time positions. Encourage your students to attend one of our many employer networking events.

- Employer Information Sessions/Hall Tables
- On-Campus Interviews for Internship & Full-Time Positions
- Virtual and in-person Career Events
- Employer Panels

Partnership/Presentation Request

If you are interested in a classroom presentation or would like to plan a class assignment in coordination with the Career and Life Design Center, please take a moment to complete this request form . Your assigned Career and Life Design Advisor will follow up to finalize the details regarding your request.

Career Readiness Course

The Career Readiness Course is a two credit hour online class designed to help you become career ready!  This course will provide assistance for students in building and preparing their personal career readiness plan through activities, assignments, and resources. The Career Readiness Course is offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer.  You can enroll through MyCentral using course number Univ 3000.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Life Design Course

This course uses the design thinking framework to build confidence in students, from any major, to think like a designer about their college experience and life after UCM. Students will gain a process to solve problems (the complex, unstructured and unknown); how to get unstuck, adjust when things change, learn how to think of new ideas, and how to make intentional decisions to achieve goals.

Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Hiring

The Career and Life Design Center is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). NACE provides information to faculty on .

