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Joni Porter


Porter, Joni

Employer Relations
Career and Life Design Center
WDE 1200
(660) 543-4985

Joni Porter is a Career & Life Design Coordinator; in her role she focuses on Campus & Community Partnerships.  Joni develops, plans, and executes career and life design industry events both in-person and virtual to connect students with experiential, and professional opportunities.  Joni also manages the Career & Life Design Center’s Red Advantage Partnership; researches recruiting trends and manages employer and community outreach.


Associate of Arts – Moberly Area Community College

Professional Experience

Career & Life Design Coordinator, Campus & Community Partnerships

UCM Career & Life Design Center, 2014 – Present

Operations Coordinator, UCM Career Services, 2010 -2014

Realtor, Coldwell Banker Elite Realty, 2009 – 2015

Outside Sales Representative – Creative Stone, Stone Fabrication, 2005 -2009

My Favorite Part About Being a Mule

The “family” atmosphere that UCM offers to students, staff, and faculty.  The UCM family is dedicated to welcoming students and fostering strong personal relationships that last lifetimes.  

Advice for Students
Enjoy your time at UCM, make the most of all your experiences and take advantage of the many resources that are available to you.

Hobbies and Interests

Spending time with family and  building my furniture restoring, refinishing, and upcycling business. 

9 wing 8

Type 9 wing 8 are the “advisors” ; they are social, independent, and routine in their behavior. They are generally more assertive and adventurous than other type 9’s. Their basic desire is to be internally balanced and to be at peace with themselves and others.
