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Chelsea Miyashiro


Miyashiro, Chelsea  

Career and Life Design Advisor - Data, Assessment, & Trends
Career and Life Design Center
WDE 1200
(660) 543-4985

Chelsea Miyashiro is the Career and Life Design Advisor for the Harmon College of Business & Professional Studies.  In this role Chelsea connects with students through classroom presentations, course instruction, referrals through our Walk-In Studio Experience (W.I.S.E.), and 1:1 appointments with graduate students and alumni.  

Master of Science, College Student Personnel Administration
Graduate Certificates: Academic Advising in Higher Education, Diversity Issues in Higher Education
University of Central Missouri, 2021

Bachelor of Arts, Sociology, Minors: Psychology, Leadership Studies, University of Central Missouri, 2019

Professional Experience
Career Advisor, UCM Career and Life Design Center, 2020 - 2023
Career and Life Design Advisor, Data, Assessment & Trends, 2023-Present 

My Favorite Part About Being a Mule
Being a part of a supportive, connected community - local and abroad!

Advice for Students
Be curious and open to trying new things. Talking to people and engaging in experiences help us learn more about who we are, what we like, don’t like, etc., and build community. So, get involved and explore outside your comfort zone, whenever you can.

Hobbies and Interests
Trying new foods (places and recipes), adventuring and spending time with people I care about, spending time with my cat.

9 wing 1
Interestingly enough, a type nine with a strong one wing can have some aspects of their personality that seemingly contrast common characteristics of their dominant type. Nines are known for keeping the peace, while enneagram ones have high standards for themselves and those around them. With influence from the one wing, a nine can feel drawn to negotiate for morality’s sake.
