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Outstanding Student Account Balance


The University of Central Missouri expects account balances to remain current throughout the semester if paying in installments. All tuition, fees and other charges must be paid in full by the end of each semester. Keeping your account in good standing is required in order to enroll and/or retain your class schedule for future semesters. Accounts with past due balances may have a hold placed.

As an additional service to non-enrolled students, the University of Central Missouri has partnered with to contact you regarding your past due account before it reaches collection status.  Please visit their site, or contact them at 844-454-6100 to make payment arrangements.



Enrolled students must be current on their Installment Payment Plan in order to enroll and/or retain their class schedule for future semesters. Student Financial Services does understand that unexpected financial events may occur. If you receive notification that your class schedule may be cancelled, please contact our office so that we may work with you. Please be advised, the Student Financial Services office reserves the right to have the student registration withdrawn if special arrangements are made but the student fails to follow through.


Student Financial Services does understand that unexpected financial events may occur and impede your ability to pay in full  by the end of the semester. In cases when required monthly installment payments were not able to be met over the course of the semester, a past-term repayment agreement may be an option extended by the University through ECSI. Students with a repayment agreement may be able to enroll once their balance is satisfied in full.

As an additional service, all non-enrolled students will be contacted by ECSI, Recovery Select.  Students must either set up a monthly payment plan with ECSI or pay in full with ECSI to avoid the account being sent to an outside collection agency for further collection action, which may include additional collection costs.  All past due accounts must be paid in full to release your financial hold.

Their contact information is 844-454-6100 or .

Please note that University Policy requires past due balances must be paid in full prior to future enrollment. Therefore, students that wish to return for the following semester may choose to apply for loans with a private lender so their outstanding balance with the University is satisfied. Once the payment for the outstanding balance has cleared, the financial hold will be released.

If your permanent mailing address needs to be updated, please contact the Registrar; local mailing addresses can be updated in your  account.


Write-Off Balances/Uncollectable Debts

The University may choose to write-off balances it deems uncollectable. However, students remain responsible to pay any balance, including payment plan fees and collection agency referral charges, after a debt has been written-off. 

Students who want to repay their written-off balance need to contact the Student Financial Services office to have the debt reinstated prior to paying. Once the written-off debt is reinstated, it may be subject to the resumption of payment plan fees.

The Student Financial Services office reserves the right to resume collection activities on written-off balances. The only balances that students are not responsible for paying are those debts which have been legally discharged through bankruptcy filing and verified with the University of Central Missouri General Counsel Office.

Bankruptcy Filings

Educational debts are not typically dischargeable through bankruptcy. Former students (or their legal representative) that wish to have debt considered for discharge, should provide written, court documentation of the bankruptcy filing including the chapter, case number, filing date and legal representative contact number.

Once notice of bankruptcy filing is received, all formal collection efforts for the balance incurred prior to the bankruptcy filing will cease, pending the decision of the court.

Placement with a Third-Party Collection Agency

If the past due account holder cannot be reached and/or satisfactory payment plan arranged, the account is then referred to a third-party agency to pursue collection efforts on behalf of the University.  Additional, collection-agency referral fees may be applied to the account.  Accounts placed with a third-party collection agency may be reported to the credit bureaus as allowed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. This means that the account holder may be adversely impacted when trying to apply for a loan, rent an apartment or pursue another activity involving a credit check.

Student Financial Services is committed to working with students to avoid this scenario. Please help us by responding to emails, phone calls and mailed correspondence as well as ensure that you contact information is up-to-date in MyCentral. Permanent mailing address changes are updated through the Registrar; local mailing addresses can be updated in . Please note: If you cannot access your MyCentral account, you can contact the Technology Support Center at (660) 543-4357 to have it reactivated.

State of Missouri Debt Offset Program

The Debt Offset Program is designed to facilitate the collection of debts owed by an individual to an agency of the State of Missouri. The University of Central Missouri receives state appropriations, therefore is an agent of the state. Non-enrolled debtors with a balance in arrears of 60 days or longer, will be reported (as mandated) to the Missouri Department of Revenue. The Department of Revenue will notify the taxpayer that the amount owed to the University has been deducted from the individual's State income tax return and forward the amount intercepted to the University so it may be applied to their past due balance.

The debtor may contact Student Financial Services for additional information regarding his/her account. Student records will be held until the financial obligation is satisfied in full.

The program gives the alleged debtor the right to file a written protest to the Student Financial Services Office for the validity of the debt. The appeal must be in writing and submitted within 30 days from the date the University receives the funds from the state. The following information must be contained in the appeal:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your social security number
  • Type of debt in dispute
  • Detailed statement of all reasons you disagree with the debt amount or dispute that the debt is owed.

Mail to:

University of Central Missouri
Student Financial Services/Offset
PO Box 800
Warrensburg, MO 64093

The debtor waives their right to protest if he/she fails to file a written request within 30 days.
