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Frequently Asked Questions



Use the accordions below to help answer any questions you may have. For any questions not answered here please contact the International Student Services Office.

What does it cost to attend UCM?

The cost of attending UCM varies by student type and program of admission.

Use our cost calculators to determine the cost of your UCM education.

What are the Admissions Deadlines?

Application Deadlines:


International students applying to UCM should be aware of the following deadlines. We recommend submitting your application one to two months in advance when possible to allow time for I-20 processing and the visa interview process.


Fall (August start)

Spring (January start)

Summer (May start)


Applying from outside of the U.S.

Transfer from within the U.S.

Applying from outside of the U.S.

Transfer from within the U.S.

Applying from outside of the U.S.

Transfer from within the U.S.

Application Submission

June 1

July 1

October 1

November 1

March 1

April 1

Document Deadline - finish uploading documents

June 15

July 15

October 15

November 15

March 15

April 15

Proof of Financial Support

July 1

August 1

November 1

December 1

April 1

May 1


Change of Program: 


If you would like to change your program, please submit the following form. 

  • New Student Deadline: If you are not yet enrolled and you wish to change your program, submit the form by the admission deadlines listed above.
  • Current Student Deadline: If you are a currently enrolled student and you wish to change your program, submit the form by the current student deadlines listed below. 


Current Enrolled Change of Program Deadlines: 

Fall (August start)

Spring (January start)

Summer (May start)

July 15

November 15

April 15


Summer Start Programs:

For the summer term, we offer the following programs for admission:

Intensive English Program (IEP)


Master's Programs:

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Computer Information Systems
  • MBA
  • Big Data

Bachelor's Programs:

  • Computer Science
  • Data Science
  • Cybersecurity

What is my student type?

New F-1: I would like to study in person at UCM - I need an I-20. (Also, if you are deferring your admission start date, select this option.)

Transfer F-1: I would like to study in person at UCM - I am studying at another US school and need to transfer. (Also, if you are a UCM student currently enrolled in classes, select the option.)

Other visa type: I would like to study in person at UCM - I already have another visa type other than F1 or B2. - I do not require an I-20 or F-1 student visa.

Online-only: I would like to study online from outside of the U.S. - I do not require an I-20 or F-1 student visa.

What if I do not have a credit card to pay my application fee?

If you pay your application fee using a credit card that is not your own you take the risk of the third party’s card being fraudulent. Any payment that is found to be fraudulent will result in your application not being processed until a successful payment is received. Instead of a credit card, you may send a money order or check (made out to UCM – International Student Services) to the following address:

International Student Services
University of Central Missouri
Ward Edwards 1800
Warrensburg, MO 64093

Am I required to have my transcripts evaluated by a credential evaluator?

All students are required to upload unofficial transcripts to their student portal (created upon application submission). Official transcripts are not required for an admission decision, but if admitted must be sent directly from your school at least four weeks prior to the start of the semester.

Before submitting an application for admission, review the country specific requirements for admission to UCM.

UCM evaluates transcripts in-house; however, if we are unable to evaluate your transcripts you will be required to have your transcripts evaluated by one of our Approved Credential Evaluators. We accept external evaluations from member organizations.

If you choose an Approved Credential Evaluator -

  • Use only one service. We will review your application based on the first transcript evaluation received.
  • You must request a course-by-course evaluation with a calculated GPA.
  • Transcripts not issued in English must be provided in the original language along with an English translation.

Sending Official Transcripts:

Final official transcripts are due at least four weeks prior to the start of the semester. Transcripts must be sent directly from the institution's Registrar's Office or Controller of Examination office electronically to or by mail in a university's sealed envelope to the following address:

International Student Services

108 W. South St.
1800 Ward Edwards
Warrensburg, MO 64093

What transcripts am I required to submit?

Undergraduate freshman applicants: High school transcripts.

Undergraduate transfer applicants: High school transcripts and transcripts from all of the institutions you have attended. Note: If you completed 24 college credit hours (other than Intensive English classes) at another U.S. accredited university, you do not need to submit your high school transcripts.

Graduate students: Transcripts from all prior colleges and universities you attended, including undergraduate and/or graduate credit.

How do I check my application status?

You may check your application status at any time by accessing your student status page. Your login information matches the email address and password you provided on your application.

Can I change my major?

Yes, you can change your major if you have been admitted. Meet with your academic advisor in Success Advising.

Undergraduate students must receive approval from your advisor. If you are a graduate student, we strongly suggest you meet with your advisor and graduate coordinator before changing your major.

As a graduate student, you must be fully admitted into the other program and meet all of the other program’s admissions requirements. Also, you must have a graduate UCM GPA of 3.0 or higher to request a change of major. Earned credit at UCM may not apply to the newly selected program and could delay the degree completion time.

Program costs differ so changing majors could impact the overall tuition cost of your degree.

Can I defer my application?

If you wish to defer your admission to a future semester, you will need to using the same email address originally used to apply. You will also need to pay the (non-refundable) $75 US dollar application fee again.

Can I email my admissions documents?

No, all documents required for admissions must be uploaded to your student status page. You should not email or mail any documents except official transcripts and provisional certificates and/or diplomas.

Do I have to take the GRE or GMAT?

Some graduate programs require the GRE or the GMAT for admissions. Please review your program in the  to determine if you. If your program requires the GRE or GMAT, scores should be sent to:

University of Central Missouri
Testing Services
Humphreys Suite 216
Warrensburg, MO 64093

If you have questions, please call the Testing Services office at 001-660-543-4919 or email us at

Can I send a copy of my English Proficiency score?

No, UCM cannot accept English Proficiency score reports directly from students. For security purposes, you must request the electronic score report be sent directly from the testing center to UCM. We download the scores in batches. If your testing center does not have the capability of sending electronic scores, request that a paper copy be sent directly to UCM at:

University of Central Missouri
Testing Services
Humphreys Suite 216
Warrensburg, MO 64093

If you have questions, please call the Testing Services office at 001-660-543-4919 or email us at

Please Note: UCM requires the following scores for admission:

Undergraduate Level:

exam score of 61 IBT

exam score of 5.5

composite exam score of 95


Graduate level:

exam score of 79 IBT

exam score of 6.0

composite exam score of 120

What are the GPA requirements for transfer students?

Graduate students must have a graduate GPA of 3.0 or above to transfer to UCM. Undergraduate students must have an undergraduate GPA of 2.0 or above to transfer to UCM.

Can I transfer credits to UCM?

Yes, credit you earned from other universities can be used toward your UCM degree. However, it is not automatic. You must seek approval.

Undergraduate credit advisers will review and apply transfer credit toward the general education requirements. Department chairs will review and apply credit toward the major requirements.

Graduate students must have approval from the adviser to apply transfer credit toward a degree. The adviser submits the request to the Graduate School for processing. Please review the Graduate Catalog for specific requirements for graduate transfer credit.

When will I receive my I-20?

Once you have been fully admitted to UCM (including specific program admission for graduate students), International Student Services will issue an official letter of acceptance and supporting VISA documents within 7-12 business days. Please contact the International Center at or 660.543.4092 if you have questions about your I-20.



International Student Services
University of Central Missouri
Ward Edwards 1800
Tel: 660-543-4092
