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Facilities Planning and Operations


Our mission at Facilities Planning and Operations is to provide a quality service that is safe, reliable, efficient, clean and inviting. Our team always strives for a customer and community service approach, demonstrating this daily by creating a learning and working environment that supports the University's world class education. 

Facilities Planning and Operations (FPO) is dedicated to providing round the clock service to support the University needs. We provide a unique blend of innovation, knowledge and expertise to accomplish our broad range of services.

  • Custodial Services - maintaining the cleanliness of the campus, trash contract and pest control
  • Maintenance - address any carpentry, electrical, heating/cooling, and plumbing issues with dorm rooms, classrooms and campus offices/buildings. 
  • Deferred Maintenance and Space Solutions
  • Energy Management Strategies
  • Grounds and Landscaping - maintaining the beautiful exterior areas of the campus, to include assisting with snow/ice removal.
  • Logistics Support - provides assistance in setting up and tearing down events as large as graduation to as small as a Fraternity weekly meeting. They also relocate furniture, surplus items and office materials. 
  • Design and Construction Project Management 

For inquiries please contact, the Service Operations Center (Main Office) for FPO.





