Open Calendar


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How to Report an Accident/Injury

If an individual is involved in an accident or sustains an injury on UCM property, immediately call Public Safety at 660-543-4123 or dial 911. 

NON-Employee Injuries - Students, Visitors, etc. - No Medical

If you are aware of a non-employee injury, please email details to your Department Chair and the EHS Manager as soon as possible.   Please include the following:

  • Name and 700#
  • When the injury occurred – specific date and time
  • Building, room#, or if outside – specific location
  • How and why the injury occurred
  • Body part injured
  • If a hazard was present, describe hazard and what needs to be done to eliminate or reduce


  1. Do Not Move the injured party unless their surroundings are dangerous.
  1. Call 911 immediately and request an ambulance. Be prepared to give specific information about your location (building & room #) and the name of patient.  Stay on phone until Dispatcher has all appropriate information.  NOTE à 911 Operator will notify Public Safety if injury is on UCM Campus. 
  1. Have someone meet the Emergency Responders (Fire / Ambulance) and guide them to the patient.
  1. UCM Dispatch will send a UCM Police Officer to assist until the ambulance arrives.
  1. Notify your Department Chair and the EHS Manager as soon as possible. Follow-up with detailed email as soon as possible.

If a Student or Visitor would like to file a claim with the State of Missouri, EHS can assist with the process.   The University of Central Missouri is covered under the State of Missouri - Office of Risk Management.  In order to begin the process, the student / visitor must provide a detailed written statement with specific of how the injury occurred - who, what, where, when, why, how, etc.   The injured party needs to make sure to include their name, address, and phone #.   If there any witness to the injury, include their names and contact information.  

Once UCM has received the information, the University will submit their claim to the Office of Risk Management for review.  The Office of Risk Management will require copies of all medical bills and doctors notes, which the injured party will need to provide.  

NOTE - The Office of Risk Management reviews the claim and determines causation.  

Employee - Work Related Injuries - Human Resources

Resources for Injured Workers




South East Complex 113
(660) 543-4839/4137
Emergency Phone Number 911

After Hours

Public Safety
Tel: (660) 543-4123 (24 hours)

