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Care To Act


Supporting a Culture of Caring at UCM

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As part of the UCM Office of Health Promotion, the Care To Act approach focuses on preventing harm and supporting the well-being and safety of everyone on campus, by discussing how we can each be caring and engaged community members.

Watch , courtesy of the Digital Media Production program!



The Care To Act Approach

It's intersectional

Aeiral view of hte main UCM quad

Our areas of impact are:

  • Interpersonal violence
  • Substance misuse
  • Bias and discrimination
  • Mental health

Care To Act addresses these four areas because they affect the well-being and safety of everyone.



It's multi-dimensional

Studetns using laptops at a counter in the Union dining area

Step 1: the online overview course

The online engage program logo overview course explains our approach to harm prevention, and covers some of the reasons you might show caring for others. At the end, there's a list of many supportive resources on campus and in the community. This course is assigned to all new students at UCM.

To be sure everyone is starting from the same place of understanding, we ask that all group members take this short course before you host a conversation or presentation about Care To Act.

Students at the UCM Lee's Summit campus listening

Step 2: the Care To Act Foundational conversation

Care To Act Foundational conversations are facilitated discussions that include scenarios and concepts for further reflection.

Foundational conversations cover ALL FOUR of our focus areas:

  • Interpersonal violence
  • Substance misuse
  • Bias and discrimination
  • Mental health

These conversations are either 45 minutes or 90 minutes; you choose the time frame that works best for you.

To maintain the fidelity of the program as designed, hosting a Foundational conversation is required before hosting a Deeper Dive conversation.

Students walking outside on a spring day

Step 3: a Deeper Dive conversation

After your class, student organization, or other group has hosted a Care To Act foundational conversation, please invite us back for a Deeper Dive conversation!

Deeper Dive conversations cover ONE of our four focus areas:

  • Interpersonal violence
  • Substance misuse
  • Bias and discrimination
  • Mental health

Deeper Dive conversations are 90 minutes long.



Get Involved!

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Host a Care To Act conversation or short presentation

Bring a Care To Act Foundational conversation or Deeper Dive conversation (and swag!) to your classroom, student org, or other group, or request a short presentation (10-20 minutes) about Care To Act for faculty or staff.

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Become a Care To Act facilitator

We're always looking to expand our group of facilitators!

Successful Care To Act facilitators will have these skills:

  • The ability to facilitate effective conversations with a variety of constituents.
  • The ability to create a space for respectful, productive inquiry and discussion.
  • An awareness of your own biases and the ability to limit their impact on conversations.
  • A passion for wellness education and prevention.
  • Baseline knowledge in the four areas of focus addressed in the program - we'll help with that!
  • Ability to maintain the privacy of what is shared during facilitated conversations (within the structure of UCM's Title IX-related reporting requirements).

Facilitator registration is through Missouri Partners in Prevention.

Facilitator training takes just 3 hours, and includes access to the Care To Act Facilitator Guide, additional facilitation resources, and support from both Care To Act and Missouri Partners in Prevention staff. As the engage name is used statewide, the facilitator training uses this name as well.


About Care To Act

Care To Act is UCM's presentation of the statewide engage violence prevention strategy, branded for our campus. This program is funded by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services/Office on Women's Health, and was created and developed by , based upon research from the .


