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New Student Orientation Orientation FAQ


Have questions about orientation? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below, and if you can't find what you are looking for don't hesitate to contact us!

What is New Student Orientation?

New Student orientation is a crucial event for new students entering UCM to learn more about campus resources, talk with your academic program, go over your class schedule with your Success Advisor, and meet other incoming students.

Is New Student Orientation required?

New Student orientation is a required event for all first-time Freshmen students entering the University of Central Missouri. It is not requried for transfer students, but strongly encouraged. If you are unable to make the scheduled orientation dates, please contact us at

When should I sign up for New Student Orientation?

After you are admitted to UCM, you can start signing up for orientation after February 1 through your

Can my parents / guests come to orientation too?

We absolutely welcome parents and guests to attend orientation.

How long does orientation last?

Orientation will usually run from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm. You will receive a detailed schedule pior to your orientation date.

Should I bring anything with me to orientation?

To find a list of everything you should bring to your orientation date, visit our page.

What if I can’t attend any of the New Student Orientation dates?

We offer multiple orientation dates to accommodate most schedules, however if you have a conflict please contact us as or by calling (660) 543-4290.

How do I sign up for my classes?

Your advisor will use selections from your orientation registration to build your first semester class schedule. You will be able to see this and make edits during your orientation date.
