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UCM Percussion

UCM Percussion is dedicated to excellence, from the many areas of percussion to music in general.

At UCM, you will develop your artistic voice and teaching approaches through the study of percussion at the undergraduate and graduate levels within Western classical, Jazz and commercial, marching, small ensemble, large ensemble, and music technology practices. You can also engage in the many offerings of composition and instrument building. Learn about musical practices from around the world from our internationally renowned guest artists that frequently visit campus.

Text "Music" to (660) 248-0496 for more information about UCM Music


Percussion Studio

Marching Percussion



Feature Media




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Smith, Dr. Alex

Associate Professor
Utt 013

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Pan, Dr. Yun Ju

Adjunct Instructor

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McClaflin, Dr. Ian

Adjunct Instructor
Grinstead 105C

Alex Smith


Instrument Craft

Scholarly Publications

"Saving the Songwood: Global Consumption, Sustainability, and Value." Ecomusicology Review 8 (2021).

“Reconnecting the Music-Making Experience Through Musician Efforts in Instrument Craft.” International Journal of Music Education (2018).

“Crafting New Musical Possibilities: A New Educational Area for Academic Music?” Perspectives of New Music 54 (2017). .

“Reconnecting the Actors of the Music-Making Experience: Supporting Small-Scale Local Craftsmanship in the Academic Percussion Community.” Ecomusicology Review 4 (2016). .

“New Musical Contexts for More Sustainably Made Marimbas.” Percussve Notes Online Research Edition 1 (2016). .

“More Than a Marimba Bar.” UCLA Echo Blog (April 27, 2015). .

Ian McClaflin





Prospective Students

Student and Alumni News

Nicklas Bohannon, Composition Graduate Assistant
Truman State University

Alex Braud, Band Graduate Assistant
Lamar University

Joey Carter, Assistant Band Director
Mount Vernon R-5

Kirstin Clark, K-5 Music Teacher
Highland Elementary, Colorado

James Doyle, Freelance Percussion
Seattle, WA

Carol Helble, Percussion Specialist
Lebanon High School, MO

Kolby Koczanowski, Music Therapy
Music Therapy Author and Composer

Chad Lippincott, Associate Band Director
Central High School, MO

Nathan Long, Director of Bands
Oak Grove High School, MO

Jim Lower, Drum Set
Jim Lower Jazz Orchestra

Ian McClaflin, DMA
University of Southern Mississippi

Cade McGinness, Tenorline
Rumble Drumline

Doug Smith, Freelance Percussion
Kansas City, MO

Mat Thornton, Music Ministry
Platte City, MO

Adam Twenter, Director of Bands
Pleasant Hill High School, MO

Whitney Wagner, Distinguished Military Graduate
University of Central Missouri

Michael Walling, Percussion Graduate Assistant
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Josh Williams, Audio Engineer/Sound Designer
Hallmark, Inc., Kansas City, MO

Will Wise, Audio Visual Professional
North Dakota

Concert Programs/Upcoming Events



Alex Smith
Assistant Professor
HUD 116
