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Dr. John Check | Music Theory


Dr. John Check
Music Theory
Location/Building: Utt 200
(660) 543-4587


John Check teaches music theory at UCM. Previously, he taught at Lawrence University (WI). He has also taught theory pedagogy at the University of Missouri–Kansas City.

His articles have appeared in Sewanee Review, College Music Symposium, Gamut, and elsewhere. He has reviewed books for the Wall Street Journal, The New Criterion, and The Weekly Standard. He has read papers at the annual meetings of the College Music Society, the American Musical Instrument Society, and MACRO. In addition, he has presented talks and participated in performances at the National Music Museum at the University of South Dakota.

With the trio of Luehrman, Shaffer, & Check, he plays mainly string bass. He continues to perform in various groups on trombone and tuba. 
