The Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) provides an opportunity for college nursing
students to receive practical, hands-on leadership experience directly applicable
to nursing practice. As a Registered Nurse, you are looked at as a leader in providing
nursing care. But how can a person become a leader if they have never been given the
skills to walk in that role? The Army ROTC Nurse Program is one avenue to acquire
these skills. The Army ROTC Nurse Program provides nursing students the opportunity
to develop management, communication and decision-making skills in a non-threatening
environment. There are many advantages to becoming an Army Nurse.
Financial Benefits
Scholarship Students: 2,3 and 4 year scholarships are available to eligible nursing
students at UCM. All scholarships provide:
- Tuition/fees: up to full tuition.
- Books: $1,200/yr
- Graduated Monthly Stipend: $420 for 10-month school year
- Reimbursed: up to $400 for some nursing expenses
- University Incentives: Additional financial assistance is available for eligible students
through the Financial Aide Office.
- Departmental Benefits: Room and Board, and additional monetary awards
- Non-Scholarship Students: Students may participate in Army ROTC without a scholarship
and receive the same monthly stipend. More important is the guaranteed clinical nursing
job upon graduation. Army ROTC nursing graduates will have the start to a fantastic
career in nursing, with unbeatable continuing education opportunities.
Criteria for Scholarships:
- Attend a college or university with a NLN accredited nursing program.
- Be a citizen of the United States
- Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
- 21 ACT
- Under 27 years of age by June of the year in which you graduate. Veterans who qualify
may be eligible for an extension of this age requirement up to a maximum age of 29.
- Good moral Character
- Physically fit & Medically qualified
Benefits of Army Nursing:
- Choose from over 30 medical facilities around the world.
- Receive a substantial housing allowance.
- Free medical and dental care.
- 30 days paid vacation a year.
- Commissary and post exchange shopping at considerable savings.
- Choose a clinical focus from a wide variety of specialties.
- Positions available in clinical, administrative, and educational specialties in a
variety of settings.
- Outstanding continuing education opportunities.
- Professional autonomy.
- Travel opportunities.
- Steady increases in pay and allowances.
- Regular progression in promotions and selection for positions of increasing responsibility.
- Maintain seniority as you change locations and jobs.
- Serve as an officer in the United States Army.
- Practice in an all baccalaureate degree prepared Nurse Corps.
Educational Opportunities:
Additional nurse specialty training is offered to Army Nurses after graduation:
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Critical Care / Emergency room
- Psychiatric and Mental Health
- Operating Room
- Community Health
Advanced degree programs, funded by the Army, may be pursued in the following disciplines:
- Nurse Anesthesia - Masters Degree
- Nurse Midwifery - Masters Degree
- Health Care Administration - Masters Degree
- Nursing program of choice - Masters Degree
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner - Masters Degree
- Doctoral study in nursing science, education, or administration
Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP)
NSTP is an optional clinical elective, conducted the summer between your Junior and
Senior years. Over 10 hospitals in the United States, Germany, and Hawaii are NSTP
sites. During NSTP you will be introduced to the roles, responsibilities, and expectations
of a new officer in the Army Nurse Corps. NSTP provides progressive clinical experiences
and leadership opportunities, while working side by side with and Army Nurse.
See the UCM Catalog for information about the
The SMP is a volunteer officer training program that allows Army National Guard and
Army Reserve enlisted members to participate in the Advance ROTC Program. Upon completion
of Basic Training, a reserve component soldier that is an academic sophomore can join
ROTC and earn a commission as an officer in the United States Army upon graduation.
In addition, contracted non-scholarship ROTC cadets and Reserve Forces Duty (RFD)
scholarship cadets can join a reserve component unit and the SMP. The intent of the
SMP is to increase officer accessions into the Reserve Components by increasing ROTC
enrollment from enlisted National Guard and Reserve members who are attending college.
What is SMP to me?
The SMP program provides:
- An opportunity to gain both a commission as a Second Lieutenant and a college degree
- Hands-on management and leadership training
- An ROTC stipend as a contracted ROTC cadet plus E-5 drill pay as a serving Guardsmen
or Reservist
- Annual Training and ROTC Advanced Camp pay
- Montgomery GI Bill and tuition assistance
- An opportunity to win a reserve forces scholarship
- An opportunity for volunteer training in Airborne, Air Assault, Northern or Mountain
Warfare Training
Who is eligible?
Anyone who:
- Has completed Basic Training
- Is an academic sophomore
- Is physically qualified
- Is under 30 years of age upon commissioning (waiverable through age 34)
- Has a 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- Has or agrees to have four years remaining on their current military obligation
- Is a full time student
- Is a U.S. citizen
What do I need to do to enroll in SMP?
The individual must:
- Enlist in the Army National Guard or U.S. Army Reserve if not already a member
- Discuss his/her interest with the unit commander, and gain a letter of acceptance
into the SMP program and an endorsement from the unit to the professor of Military
Science affirming your aptitude ability to become an officer.
- Interview with the ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer or Professor of Military Science
- Take a DoDMERB physical
- Register for Military Science
- Provide ROTC unit with:
- Birth Certificate
- Social Security Card
- Copy of DD 214/220
- DA 4836 if less than 4 years are left on your current enlistment
- NGB 594-1 or DA 4892
- APFT Card (DA 705)
- Copy of your latest physical exam
- Copy of transcripts and ACT/SAT scores
If you are currently on active duty as an enlisted soldier Army ROTC can help you
continue to grow and learn. The Army Green to Gold program provides options for soldiers
interested in pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree and earning a commission
as an Army Officer.
and will have completed two years of active duty service before school starts and
are accepted by a college or university as either a freshman, sophomore, or junior,
you can compete for a four-, three-or two-year scholarship. The deadline for applying is 1 April. Selection
deadline is 20 May.
- U.S. Citizen (non-waiverable)
- Age - you must be under 31 years of age on 31 December of the year you complete all
requirements for a commission. You must have acquired your bachelor's degree by this
time. This is a statutory requirement and there are no waivers authorized.
- No criminal convictions.
- You must have served a minimum of two-years Active Duty as well as three months of
Active Duty for every one month of specialized training (a waiver can be requested).
- GT score of 110 or greater.
- Pass the APFT within the last six months with score of 180 or higher, minimum of 60
points in each event.
- High School Graduate or equivalent.
- Cumulative High School or College GPA of 2.5.
- Letter of Acceptance to School of Choice offering Army ROTC.
- Letter of Acceptance from the PMS of that Army ROTC Battalion.
- Favorable National Agency Check.
- DODMERB Medical Qualification.
- No more than three dependents including spouse (waiverable).
- Four-year applicants must have a minimum ACT score of 19 or a minimum SAT score of
1000 (waiverable).
Distinguished Alum from the UCM Army ROTC Program:

Major General Troy D. Kok assumed command of the 99th Regional Support Command headquartered
at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB MDL) on 10 September, 2016. He previously
served as the Deputy Commanding General (Support) at the United States Army Recruiting
Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky.
As the Commanding General of the 99th RSC, Major General Kok is responsible for administrative,
logistics, and facilities support to more than 44,000 Army Reserve Soldiers across
a region spanning thirteen Northeastern states. He also serves as the Senior Commander
of JB MDL and US Army Base Fort Devens Training Facilities and Training Support.
He began his military career when he enlisted in the Army Reserve in 1982. He received
his commission through the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) at Central Missouri
State University as a Quartermaster Officer in 1984, and graduated with a Bachelor
of Science degree in Aviation Maintenance Technology in 1986. He received his Master
of Science degree in Aviation Safety two years later, and as a First Lieutenant, he
transferred to the Aviation branch while serving with the 219th Transportation Company
at Scott Air Force Base (AFB), Illinois. Over his 34 year career, and over 26 years
on Active Guard Reserve duty, Major General Kok had the opportunity to serve at over
10 duty locations including three separate Battalion commands.
Major General Kok was deployed in January 2003 with the 377th Theater Sustainment
Command in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), serving as the Theater Transportation
Officer in the Distribution Management Center. Major General Kok returned to Kuwait
in January 2004 and served as Planning Officer for the Deployment / Redeployment Operations
Center OIF I and II rotations. After completing his second tour, Major General Kok
was selected to command the Bison Battalion, ROTC unit at Bucknell University, Pennsylvania,
from 2005 to 2006, where he served as the Professor of Military Science. From 2006
to 2008, he commanded the 229th Aviation Regiment at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and a year
later was assigned to serve as the Command Recruiting Officer of the 11th Aviation
Major General Kok returned to Scott AFB from 2009 to 2011, where he served as the
Deputy Director-Reserve Affairs and Deputy Commander-Joint Transportation Reserve
at the United States Transportation Command. He was subsequently assigned to United
States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command (Airborne) at Fort
Bragg, North Carolina, as Assistant Chief of Staff, G4, and Special Assistant to the
CG. In 2012, Major General Kok was selected to command the 11th Theater Aviation Command
at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and served as the Commander for Army Reserve Aviation leading
to his previous assignment with USAREC as the DCG-S.
His awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit (with Oak Leaf
Cluster), the Bronze Star Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), the Senior Army Aviation
Badge, the Parachutist Badge, and the Pathfinder Badge. He has attended numerous Army
schools, including the Aviation Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, the Combined Arms
and Services Staff School, the Army War College, and the Joint and Combined Warfighting
Major General Kok resides in Kentucky with his wife and children.

Arnold N Gordon-Bray
President/Owner ANGB
Consulting LLC, 360 C2C
Brigadier General
US Army Retired
Arnold N. Gordon-Bray completed 30+ years of service in the United States Army where
he demonstrated professional leadership skills in strategic communications, combat
operations, foreign affairs and effective modernization in support of the Department
of Defense and National Interests. He currently consults on Strategy, Operations,
and humanitarian issues.
Gordon-Bray has extensive experience in commanding various levels of military forces
from a platoon of 40 military service members to spearheading military operations
in Iraq with a Brigade Combat Team consisting of over 4,500 men and women with the
2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division. He has transitioned his global Strategic
views on issues of leadership, diversity, veteran’s needs and education across America.
He has also held staff positions at virtually every level including: a Division Chief
in the Joint Special Operations command at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, The Directorate
in The installation Management Command (IMCOM), headquartered in San Antonio, Texas,
for all Army bases World-wide and culminated his career in a 4-Star Headquarters (AFRICOM)
as Deputy Director for Operations. Throughout his career he has demonstrated exceptional
leadership in the toughest environments. General Gordon-Bray was a direct contributor
to the War in Iraq where he fought and provided unique insights about transitioning.
During the surge of 2007, as Principal Advisor to the Iraqi Ground Forces Commander,
he aided in transforming 35,000 Iraqis into a force of 300,000 with 6 Divisions capable
of functioning independently. Gordon-Bray had direct responsibility for training and
mentoring Lieutenant General Ali, who later became the longest tenured military leader
in the new Iraqi Army. In addition to conventional concepts of warfighting, General
Gordon-Bray was vital in providing initial thoughts on AFRICOM operations and end-state
for Odyssey Dawn—the first large-scale regional operation for AFRICOM. A broad thinker,
his strategic input and leadership skills were routinely employed in establishing
US relationships with African Leaders and US State Department personnel, often operating
at the behest of other Directorates or the Combatant Commander.
General Gordon-Bray is also an effective leader with extensive skills in modernization
and experimentation. As a Colonel, he developed and led the Army’s Experimentation
Community of Practice, a diverse team of over 1000 operators, experimenters and innovative
developers. He also led, managed, resourced and synchronized over 100 Joint and Army
experiments involving thousands of participants that ultimately developed and refined
the modular Army and its current successor.
Education: Master of Arts, National Security & Strategic Studies, Naval War College,
Rhode Island Master of Science, International Strategic Studies, Air War College,
Alabama Bachelor of Science, Art, University of Central Missouri. Additionally, He
holds an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from North Carolina Wesleyan College.
Awards & Qualifications: Airborne Ranger with numerous awards and badges including
the Army Defense Meritorious Service Medal (The Army’s highest peacetime award) the
Defense Superior Service Medal, (3) Legions of Merit, (7) Meritorious Service Medals
and two bronze stars. He is a certified Instructor and Holds a Green Belt in Lean
Six Sigma.
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(CCF 104-R)