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Lifelong Learning

Our Mission

Lifelong Learning (LLL) seeks to provide quality, community oriented programs for people of various ages. UCM’s LLL series is designed to provide programs and performances that enlighten and inform people throughout the region. All programs are free and open to the public. Please join us!  

Our History

Lifelong Learning (LLL) began with an interest survey distributed to UCM’s to members of the UCM Emeriti Association in April 2010. In June, 2010 a committee of emeriti members, Dee Hudson, Justyn Graham, Harold Sampson, and Deems Brooks met to begin planning a variety of ungraded learning opportunities for older adults within the community. Though not serving on the committee, Dick Carr aided with media releases. Darlene Laubenstein replaced Hudson on the committee in April 2011 and Karen Haase was added in the summer of 2011.



Spring 2025 Schedule


Preparing Spring Gardens and Moon Gardens

Thursday, February 13 at 6:30PM

Trails Regional Library - Warrensburg Branch
Presenters: Melissa Gower and Anner Petersen
Curious to know more about garden preparation, nighttime blooms and critters who come out at night?  Advice from Master Gardeners will answer the questions in this program.


Tech for Seniors

Thursday, March 20 at 1PM

Warrensburg Senior Center

Presenter: Josh Blaize, UCM Multimedia Specialist
Technology have you baffled? Josh and friends will offer tech tips, support, and assistance at this session.


The Life and Times of Eustace Cockrell

Thursday, April 10 at 6:30PM

Trails Regional Library - Warrensburg Branch
Presenter: Roger Coleman - writer, editor and former pastor
Who is Eustace Cockrell?  Find out some fascinating facts about this Warrensburg native author and screenwriter.


Heart-to-Heart Talk

Thursday, May 15 at 6:30PM

Trails Regional Library - Warrensburg Branch

Presenter:  Teresa Smith, NP BC-C of the WMMC Cardiac Clinic
What’s in a heartbeat? Learn about what women need to know about heart health and the signs of heart trouble.


Meet the Board

Karen Churn - Co-Chair

Karen Churn is a 1987 graduate of Central Missouri State University, now UCM, with a bachelor's degree in political science. She worked for the American Red Cross Service to Military Families at Fort Leonard Wood, MO from 1989 thru 1996 which included deploying with the 82nd Airborne Division to Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Shield in 1990. Currently, she has worked for Trails Regional Library in various capacities since 1996. Since returning to Warrensburg, she has volunteered for the Warrensburg Food Center, served on the boards of Survival and the WMMC Auxiliary, and was a Hospice Volunteer for Johnson County Community Health Services for nearly 10 years.

Karen Hicklin - Co-Chair

Karen Hicklin has lived in Warrensburg for 15 years. Prior to retirement, she was the Director of Trails Regional Library. She also serves on the Warrensburg Historic Preservation Commission and volunteers at the Jeremiah Project warehouse. Karen & her husband Bob Steinkuehler enjoy reading and traveling.

Bobbie Erickson - Secretary

Erickson retired in 2004 after a 24-year career as a public-school library media specialist. She has a BS degree in Sociology from Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) and an MSE in Library Science from UCM. Her passion is travel and she has visited all 50 states and many foreign countries. She also enjoys reading, singing in the church choir, and working at the Teacher's Warehouse.

Robin Osborne - Treasurer

Osborne graduated from UCM in 1986 with a degree in elementary and special education and holds a Master’s degree in education administration from William Woods University. She taught in the Sherwood Cass RVIII and Chilhowee School Districts and retired from teaching in 2016. Education remains a priority to her, and she continues to substitute teach on occasion.

Ellen Blaize - Public Relations

Blaize is a lifelong Warrensburg resident and UCM alumna. She received a BS in Broadcast Media in 2011 and an MA in Mass Communication in 2013. She works as a senior integrated marketing specialist in UCM’s office of Integrated Marketing and Communications. She and her husband Josh love animals and have two basset hounds and two cats. In her free time, she enjoys camping in her RV, playing bass and singing on the Life Nazarene Church worship team, and collecting vintage items from thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales. 

Josh Blaize - A/V Tech

Blaize, who comes from an Air Force family, moved to Warrensburg in 2001 after growing up at Eielson AFB in Alaska. He works as a multimedia specialist for UCM’s Office of Technology, and has served as the audio/video tech for Life Nazarene Church in Warrensburg for nearly 20 years. In his free time, he enjoys collecting and repairing vintage Apple computers, which he shares with the 45,000+ followers on his TikTok channel.

Jenny Ramsay - Graphics Coordinator

Jenny has two Bachelor's Degrees from UCM. One in Studio Art and the other in Graphic Design. She's working as a Designer in UCM's office of Integrated Marketing and Communications. Jenny, her husband Cash, and son Jett live in Warrensburg. They enjoy playing outside and being creative together. 

Eddie Osborne - Member at Large

Osborne is a native of rural Henry County and a 1969 graduate of Chilhowee Public High School. Eddie has called Warrensburg home for the past 36 years.  A passionate supporter of the arts, he’s served on the Warrensburg Arts Commission. He wrote, produced and performed in a reader’s theatre celebrating Warrensburg’s native son John William “Blind” Boone and served as producer and host of the long running radio program the “Eclectic Café”. He presents topical essays at Old Drum Open Mic and serves on their advisory board.  Since 2009, he’s partnered with the Johnson County Historical Society to present 168 performances in the long running “Concerts in the Courthouse” series.       

Mary Solomon - Member at Large

Solomon retired after a 34-year career as a middle school language arts teacher. She is a University of Missouri graduate and completed graduate work at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Solomon is a past member of the Survival Adult Abuse Center board and volunteers in other community capacities.  She is an avid reader who enjoys traveling, playing bridge, and spoiling grandchildren.  



Online and Learning Engagement
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Tel: (660) 543-4984
