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Dale Carnegie

Partners in Professional Educationdale-carnegie-logo

Honoring our alumnus Dale Carnegie, the University of Central Missouri offers world famous Dale Carnegie Training® programs. These programs are available at your convenience through Online and Learning Engagement at the University of Central Missouri. For organizations, these programs are excellent tools to develop employee talent, groom high-potential leaders, and meet the talent management needs of your organization. For individuals, these programs will help you improve your performance and increase your value to the organization you serve. Whether you are pursuing a degree, professional continuing education, or wanting to accelerate your career, these programs will help you achieve your goals.


The University of Central Missouri offers college credit for participants enrolled in eligible Dale Carnegie Training programs. The Dale Carnegie Course (COMM 2700), Management, Sales, and Presentations Courses may be available as elective credit towards your degree at UCM. If you are a degree seeking student elsewhere, please contact your home institution about the transferability of credit. These courses qualify for many Corporate and Civil Service Tuition Assistance Programs. 

To enroll, request a transcript, or discuss your eligibility for Tuition Assistance, please contact your local Dale Carnegie® representative or the University of Central Missouri-Online and Learning Engagement office at 660-543-4984.

Available Courses

Dale Carnegie Course Name 
UCM Course Equivalent 
Dale Carnegie Course:  Effective Communication & Human Relations
UCM Course Name:  COMM 2700

Dale Carnegie Course:  Skills for Success
CM Course Name:  COMM 1700


Strictly Business: The Dale Carnegie Immersion Seminar
UCM Course Name:  COMM 4370


Advanced Dale Carnegie Course:  Skills for Team Success
UCM Course Name:  COMM 4370 

Dale Carnegie Course:  High Impact Presentations
UCM Course Name:  COMM 4700

Dale Carnegie Course:  Leadership Training for Results
UCM Course Name:  MGT 2350

Dale Carnegie Course: Develop Your Leadership Potential: Stop Doing, Start Leading
UCM Course Name:  MGT 2350
Dale Carnegie Course:  Leadership Training for Managers
UCM Course Name:  MGT 3300
Dale Carnegie Course:  The Leadership Advantage
UCM Course Name:  MGT 3300
Dale Carnegie Course:  Winning with Relationship Selling
UCM Course Name: MKT 4480

Dale Carnegie Course: How to Sell Like A Pro
UCM Course Name:  MKT 4480



DC-UCM For Credit Certificate Program


Strategic Communication For Leaders

In today’s highly competitive workforce, certificate programs are an efficient step toward advancement. Certificate programs are an efficient means to acquire the knowledge and competencies for you to be essential to your employer and the marketplace. In this certificate program, you will develop skills that will enable you to succeed in your professional and personal life. Tools for life that you will acquire and hone include:

  • problem-solving
  • critical thinking
  • persuasion
  • presentational skills
  • relationship building
  • strategic leadership
  • writing 

 Learn More


Professional Education Certificate Programs

Certificates are awarded by Online and Learning Engagement in recognition of courses completed through UCM and your local Dale Carnegie . 

360 Degree Leadership

Certificate Includes: 
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Leadership Training for Managers
   *Develop Your Leadership Potential OR Leadership Potential can be substituted*
- Public Speaking Mastery

Emerging Leaders

Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Skills for Success
- High Impact Presentations

Future Leaders

 Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Public Speaking Mastery

High-Impact Sales

 Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Winning with Relationship Selling
- High Impact Presentations

High Impact Sales Management

 Certificate Includes:
- Working with Relationship Selling
- Leadership Training for Managers
  *Develop Your Leadership Potential OR Leadership Potential can be substituted*
- High Impact Presentations

Organizational Leadership

Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Leadership Training for Managers
  *Develop Your Leadership Potential OR Leadership Potential can be substituted*
- High Impact Presentations

Team Leadership

Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Skills for Success
- Leadership Training for Managers
  *Develop Your Leadership Potential OR Leadership Potential can be substituted*

Creating an Engaged Work Environment

Certificate Includes:
- How to Win Friends and Influence Business People
- Leading Accountable Engagement
- Leading Virtual Teams
- Presentations that Influence People

Leading Engagement

Certificate Includes:
- The Dale Carnegie Course
- Leadership Training for Managers
  *Develop Your Leadership Potential OR Leadership Potential can be substituted*
- High Impact Presentations






Online and Learning Engagement
WOOD 136
Tel: (660) 543-4984
