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Sponsored Student Program


UCM's International Sponsored Student Program serves approximately 100 students each year from various parts of the world. These students study in a variety of fields at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Who are Sponsored Students?

Sponsored students receive educational funding through a third-party source such as a government, foundation, non-profit organization, employer, university, or business.

Services to Sponsored Students

International Student Services (ISS) and the Coordinator of Sponsored International Students works closely with each sponsored student to promote a successful ;and fulfilling experience at UCM. Individual advising and assistance cover topics such as:

  • Requirements, terms, expectations of the sponsorship
  • Documentation required by the sponsor, including transcripts, progress reports and health insurance waivers (if qualified)
  • Classroom culture and strategies for academic success
  • Course registration
  • Utilizing campus resources, including the University Health Center, Student Success Center, Student Financial Services, Counseling Center, Career Center, and academic units
  • Cultural adjustment and engagement on campus and in the community
  • F-1 and J-1 Visa compliance
  • Identifying community service and internship opportunities
  • Dedicated email address for student use to communicate with the coordinator:

Sponsoring Agencies

The Coordinator of Exchange and Sponsored Programs at the University of Central Missouri serves as a central point of contact and liaison between sponsoring agencies, sponsored students and a variety of offices across campus.
Services include:
  • Designated coordinator of sponsored students
  • Liaison between sponsoring agencies and UCM academic and administrative departments.
  • Submission of agency reports and questionnaires to facilitate student placement
  • Reviewing and routing of undergraduate and graduate applications to the Intensive English Program, International Admissions, Graduate School and academic units. Facilitate communication between admissions, academic programs and sponsor during the application review process.
  • Liaison with the Department of Residential Life to reserve on-campus housing for students (if requested by sponsor), provide information regarding housing options and procedures, and identify off-campus options for qualifying students.
  • Airport pick-up, arrival assistance and sponsored student orientation for newly-arriving students.
  • Annual cost of attendance estimates and coordination of third-party billing and special processing through the Office of Student Financial Services.
  • Provide updates on students academic progress, including issuance of transcripts to agencies at the end of each regular semester.
  • Hosting on campus visits and facilitating meetings with sponsoring agency representatives.
  • Waiver of mandatory health insurance if sponsor provides comparable coverage.
  • Annual visits to sponsoring agencies to maintain connections and provide / share updates.

Help & Advising

ISS is proud to provide services that facilitate the achievement of sponsored students' academic goals. Our staff also acts as a liaison between student, sponsor, and University departments and colleges.

Current sponsored students are encouraged to communicate regularly with the sponsored student coordinator. You can make an appointment by emailing or visit the office during walk-in hours.

Sponsored Student Forms

  •  If you are enrolled in an online or hybrid course a separate financial guarantee is required per course.  Please check with your sponsor regarding rules about taking these types of courses.
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