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Market Discipline Designation

Date of Current Revision:  July 2008 – Under review April 2017

Primary Responsible Officer:  Provost or designee

Market Discipline Designation


Faculty market salary adjustments are described in the University Faculty Compensation Procedures in the Academic Policy and Procedure, Section III.


As stated in the University Faculty Compensation Procedures, eligibility for market pay requires designation as a market discipline. Market Discipline Designation describes procedures for designation of market disciplines and for approval of minimum required credentials for faculty in market disciplines to receive market salary adjustments. Except as contemplated in the University Faculty Compensation Procedures, market adjustments will not be considered for individual faculty members who are not in a university-designated market discipline.


I. General


1. Designation as a market discipline requires approval of the university provost and president.


2. Designation as a market discipline requires evidence of the need to raise faculty salaries above the limits of the Base Salary range as described in the University Faculty Compensation Procedures.


3. Designation as a market discipline will be considered only in cases having a direct impact on maintaining program accreditation or other direct measures of program quality.


4. Within designated market disciplines, market salary adjustments for tenured and tenure-track faculty will be considered only for academically qualified faculty as defined by the appropriate accrediting body or by UCM promotion and tenure guidelines, whichever is more stringent. Market adjustments for instructional faculty (including clinical faculty) may be based on a combination of academic and professional qualifications.


5. Market compensation adjustments are based on market considerations, not on the basis of merit or performance.


6. The capacity to produce credit hours cannot be reduced as a result of funding reallocation associated with designation as a market discipline.


II. Steps in Designation as a Market Discipline


1. The dean of the college submits, to the provost, a written proposal for the designation of a market discipline. The written proposal must include the following elements.


a. An explanation of the need for market adjustments of faculty salaries in the discipline to maintain program quality.


b. Salary survey data for institutions and programs that closely resemble UCM. The comparison group to be used must be approved by the Provost prior to submission of the dean’s recommendation.


c. Based on the salary survey data, a recommendation for salary targets for each academic rank in the discipline.


d. Proposed qualifications for individual faculty members within the discipline to be eligible for a market salary adjustment. The statement of individual qualifications may distinguish between tenure/tenure-track/instructional faculty.


e. The estimated total cost of salary adjustments required to reach the target salaries for qualifying faculty members in the discipline.


2. The provost forwards the dean’s proposal to the chair of the Faculty Senate Salary and Fringe Benefits Committee (FSSFBC).


a. The chair of the FSSFBC provides copies of the proposal to FSSFBC members.


b. The FSSFBC meets to review and discuss the dean’s recommendation. Normally, the dean and/or the chair of the affected department is/are invited to the meeting and allowed to participate in the discussion.


c. After discussion, and with the dean and department chair not present, the FSSFBC takes formal action on the dean’s proposal. The FSSFBC committee may take any of the following actions: (1) vote to approve the dean’s proposal, (2) vote to deny the dean’s proposal, or (3) vote to table the dean’s proposal pending the receipt of additional information. If the committee votes to table the proposal, the additional information requested by the committee shall be communicated to the dean and the provost.


d. The action taken by the committee, with vote totals, shall be communicated to the provost by the FSSFBC chair.


e. In the event that the proposal is tabled, the committee shall continue its review upon receipt of the additional information requested from the dean. The FSSFBC review process shall continue until the committee votes to approve or deny the proposal or until the proposal is withdrawn by the dean.


3. Upon receipt of a FSSFBC recommendation to approve or deny the proposal, the provost shall recommend approval or denial to the president. The provost shall communicate any modifications of the proposal to the chair of the FSSFBC.


4. The president has final approval authority for the designation of a market discipline.


5. Upon action by the president, the provost will notify the dean, department chair and chair of the FSSFBC of the president’s decision. If approved by the president, the provost will add information about the newly designated market discipline to the UCM list of approve market disciplines.


Revision History:

Approved by the Provost July 2002.

Edited for web links, formatting and plain language. Approved December 2015.

Under review by Salary & Fringe Benefit Committee April 2017

Previously annotated as VII.19. Market Discipline Designation. Renamed Market Discipline Designation for alphabetical listing, grammar and spell check, and transitioned into policy library April 2017

Edited: AP&R 19 replaced with Market Discipline Designation May 2017.

Reviewed by FS Salary and Fringe Benefits and noted as current practice. No changes recommended at this time. May 2017.

Non tenure language replaced with instructional faculty language to align with updated BOG 2.2.040 Faculty Classification Policy, February 2018.
