Open Calendar


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Any document creating obligations for UCM should be submitted for review via UCM’s contract management system. This includes contracts, agreements, memorandums of understanding, licenses, leases, and other documents that outline an agreement.

The President, Provost, and Vice Presidents are authorized to sign contracts within approved limits on behalf of UCM. (Policy 1.2.040 Delegation of Authority to the University President and Review and Approval of Contracts, Real Estate and Capital Projects).

If an individual signs a contract that they are not authorized to sign, they may be personally liable to UCM and to the other parties to the contract. UCM is not obligated to be bound by such contracts.

UCM’s Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity (OSPRI) is responsible for managing grants and other externally funded UCM projects.

UCM’s Procurement and Materials Management Department is responsible for purchasing hardware, software, and other goods and services on behalf of the University. Check with them to see whether an existing or comparable good/service already exists at UCM.


Contract Review Process

Each UCM department/office has a designated contract manager. 

A contract manager is the employee that has been trained to upload contracts into UCM’s contract management system. Uploaded contracts will be reviewed by OGC within a timely manner. 

Contact for assistance with training or problems with using UCM’s contract management system.

