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Low Speed Vehicle Guidelines Golf Carts Utility Vehicles


Listed below are general safety guidelines that all operators of Low Speed Vehicles (LSV’s), such as golf carts/utility vehicles, should be aware of and adhere to when operating on campus.

  • Operators of all motorized vehicles must have a valid driver’s license.
  • LSV’s should be operated with the utmost courtesy, care, and consideration for the safety of pedestrians. Pedestrians must be given the right-of-way at all times.
  • LSV’s should be operated only within the confines of University property. Only approved and licensed LSV’s may be operated on public streets and roadways adjacent to University property and must obey all municipal traffic ordinances.
  • LSV’s equipped with lighting should have lights illuminated when operated during hours of darkness. Any LSV not equipped with lighting should have some form of reflective material displayed on all sides of the vehicle.
  • LSV’s should not be operated on any city street or highway except in order to cross said roadways, and only at marked cross walks. Operators should make every effort possible to avoid crossing these roadways during specific times when there is a large number of pedestrians (class change times).
  • LSV’s should be operated at speeds no greater than 15 MPH, or as safety concerns demand. Operators should always consider the terrain, weather conditions, and existing pedestrian and vehicular traffic, which may affect the ability to operate the LSV safely. In crowded pedestrian areas, operators should park or proceed at a slow walking pace. If the operator cannot keep a clear zone of 5 feet from pedestrians, the operator should stop and let pedestrians pass.
  • If the LSV must be on a lawn or landscaped area in order to allow a pedestrian(s) the proper right-of-way, it should be brought to a full stop, then immediately returned to the designated driving surface as soon as the area is clear.
  • LSV operators should stop at all “blind intersections” and then proceed with caution.
  • LSV’s should be operated in such a manner that they do not impede or interfere with normal pedestrian flow on sidewalks, ramps or crosswalks.
  • LSV’s should be parked on hard surfaces (e.g. asphalt, concrete, and brick) unless doing so would restrict pedestrian traffic.
  • LSV’s should not be operated in a manner that may endanger passengers or other individuals, or harm University property.
  • LSV’s should not exceed the passenger limit and/or load capacity designated by the vehicle’s manufacturer.
  • All passengers should be in seats designed for such use and secured by the vehicle’s safety belt device, if equipped. No passenger(s) should be transported in the vehicle bed or on the sides of a LSV with the exception of the transport of an injured person secured on a backboard.
  • Operators and passengers of LSV’s should keep their head, legs, and arms within the cab (the only exception is to signal turns or stopping in vehicles not equipped with turn and/or brake signals).
  • Operators should not use cell phones, ear phones or other devices that distract or impede the operator’s awareness of pedestrians while operating LSV’s.
  • Operators are prohibited to drive a LSV while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or medications that cause drowsiness.
  • Any time a LSV is unattended, the ignition should be turned off, and the key removed from the ignition and kept in the possession of the authorized operator.
  • All accidents/incidents involving a LSV and pedestrians should immediately be reported to Public Safety by the driver (660) 543-4123.


South East Complex 113
(660) 543-4839/4137
Emergency Phone Number 911

After Hours

Public Safety
Tel: (660) 543-4123 (24 hours)

