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Positive Behavior Support

What Is School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS)

School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SW-PBS) is a framework for creating safe and orderly learning environments in schools while improving the social-emotional outcomes for students. It is a proactive approach that relies on research-based practices, including developing clear behavioral expectations, teaching these expectations, acknowledging appropriate behavior, consistently correcting inappropriate behavior, and using behavioral data to systematically solve problems. SW-PBS is built on a three-tiered model that provides additional behavioral supports to students who are not responding to the tier 1 interventions.

What are the benefits of SW-PBS?

Schools that consistently implement and use SW-PBS have:

  • Improvement of school climent
  • Improved student achievement
  • Reduced in-suspension and referral rates



Nancy Rogers
SW-PBS Consultant
Foster-Knox Hall 232
Tel: (660) 543-8636
Fax: N/A

Kurt Ream
SW-PBS Consultant
Foster- Knox Hall 232
Tel: (660) 543-8636


