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Accounts Payable Faculty & Staff Resources

General Reimbursements

Please refer to the Fiscal Policy before making any purchase.  If UCMarket or the BPC cannot be used, employee expenditures will be reimbursed through Chrome River.  If the items purchased may be questionable, please provide an adequate description in Chrome River. This practice will help in the audit process and will save time when processing your reimbursement.

Accounts Payable Forms and Guidance

Business Procurement Card and Travel forms may be found under their respective categories or under Forms (All).  Please visit Procurement and Materials Management for information about utilizing UCMarket, the University's preferred purchasing method.

What is the Business Procurement Card?

The University of Central Missouri has partnered with Bank of America to provide a single solution Business Procurement Card, commonly referred to as the BPC. Cardholders will have only one card to maintain instead of two separate cards for procurement or travel.  The card has Chip and PIN technology, world-wide card acceptance and enhanced fraud protection. Chip and PIN technology is often required when traveling overseas.  More information about who may request a BPC and the process can be found in the first drop-down below.

Business Procurement Card (BPC)

Budget Managers may request issuance of a BPC card to employees within their department that:

  • procure goods for the department and/or
  • incur $1,000 or more in travel expenses annually.

Employees may complete and sign the BPC Application, then submit the application to their Budget Manager for approval/signature and forwarding to AP.

Prospective BPC Cardholders will be enrolled by AP in Blackboard to complete online training*.

  • AP will put the Cardholder's information into the Bank of America system based on the type (travel, procurement, or both) and credit limit set by the Cardholder's Budget Manager.
  • The credit card will be mailed to the AP office; they will contact you when your card arrives.
    • Once you have successfully completed the training, please call (x4797 or 4700) before coming to ADM 316 to ensure your card can be made available upon your arrival.

*In the event online training is not possible, arrangements for in-person training may be requested by emailing

Procurement Purchase Card Policies and Procedures Manual

Business Procurement Card (BPC) Forms


Print-friendly version

What do I do if my BPC is declined?

Cards can be declined due to credit limits, merchant category codes, fraud or many other reasons.  If your card is declined, first make sure you are making a legitimate purchase.  For example, you may only have purchasing rights but are trying to make hotel reservations.  You will then need to call Accounts Payable at ext. 4797 or ext. 4700.

How do I get my limit increased if needed?

Your Budget Manager can request a temporary increase through Accounts Payable; if it is a permanent change, a new BPC application is needed

When should I contact Bank of America directly?

Fraud, after hours card issues, lost or stolen cards, account lockout

What if I cannot find a receipt?

Contact merchant first and request a copy; if unavailable, then complete the missing receipt declaration form to submit with monthly statement

How do I get my monthly statement?

Where do I get my PIN number?

You will choose a PIN number when you activate your card.

What if I forget my PIN number?

Your PIN may be accessed via the secure Online PIN Check website at .

What if I enter my PIN incorrectly?

You have four consecutive attempts to enter your PIN correctly.  After the fourth failed attempt, your card will be blocked and you will need to contact Bank of America for assistance.

Forms (All)

Business Procurement Card (BPC) Application
Business Procurement Card (BPC) Account Maintenance Form 
Dispute Charge(s) - Bank of America
Gift Tax Reporting Form

Missing Receipt Declaration
 with Missouri Ethics Commission 
Payment Request - UCM
Payment Request - UCM Alumni Foundation 
Pre-Authorization form (student use only, employees should submit Pre-Approval through Chrome River)
Tax Exempt Certificate
Travel Expense Summary Form - Student, Temporary Employees, and Non-Employees Only

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I submit my request for overnight travel?

Pre-Approval should be completed in Chrome River prior to incurring any expenses for travel that includes an overnight stay.  Please allow sufficient time for the approval process.

What travel costs are acceptable and what documentation must be provided?

Please review the  University Travel Guidelines before traveling to insure that you will be compensated accordingly.

What is the current mileage reimbursement rate?

Employees will receive the for their business-related travel.  

What is the standard mileage for travel to UCM-Lee's Summit-MIC or KCI airport?

The mileage from the Warrensburg campus to UCM Lee's Summit-MIC is 43 miles.

The mileage from the Warrensburg campus to KCI Airport is 90 miles. 
Chrome River reports will calculate the mileage using Google Maps.

How do I know what budget code to use?

See a current list of FOAPAL hierarchy codes and their description.

How do I rent a car and what is the payment process?

To rent a vehicle prior to travel to any location in the United States, use the online reservation option to book with the University's contracted vendor, Enterprise.  They will directly bill the University when you use this option. For a current list of rental rates or to request an online reservation, visit Enterprise Rental Car Online Reservations.

How do I submit payment for individuals?

Contact us to discuss processing for your specific needs.

Who do I contact regarding invoices, payments, credits, travel expenses, and car rentals?

You are always welcome to contact us at 4700, but to locate the person that can help you with your specific inquiry, please refer to the Finance and Administration Contact Sheet.

Is there a print-friendly version of the BPC Frequently Asked Questions?

Yes, you can download BPC FAQs.




Patrick Harness
Accounts Payable Manager
316 Administration
Tel: (660) 543-4700
