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Office of Accessibility Services


The Office of Accessibility Services partners with students who have documented disabilities in order to provide an equitable opportunity for learning by identifying appropriate accommodations based on student’s individual needs.

We firmly believe that everyone deserves equitable access to the functions and facilities at the University of Central Missouri, and an equitable opportunity to pursue an education.


Disability and accommodations are defined and implemented under the context of federal disability laws. To be eligible for accommodations at the University of Central Missouri, students must have a disability as defined by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

The ADA defines disability as a person who has been determined to:

  • have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or
  • have a record of such an impairment; or
  • be regarded as having such an impairment. 

Postsecondary education disability offices are not expected to provide personal services and equipment, such as: tutors, personal care attendants, campus guides or helpers to attend events, hearing aids, personal computers or similar equipment, specialized software, or assistance with medication.  However, if any services are being provided to students without disabilities, then they need to be provided in an accessible manner to students with disabilities.

Accessibility Services can also assist with:

  • Temporary Impairment: Short-term conditions such as an injured limb or brief hospitalization. While this kind of condition is not a disability and is not protected by disability laws, our office is glad to work with you on certain accommodations during your recuperation.
  • Pregnancy: This service is provided as part of our university's commitment to the rights and protections provided by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Registering with Accessibility Services and Requesting Accommodations

The following steps MUST be completed in order to register with Accessibility Services and establish accommodations.

Step 1. Obtain Documentation of Disability

If a student at the University of Central Missouri requires accommodations due to disability, temporary impairment, or pregnancy, they must provide documentation from a qualified professional to support their request for accommodations through the Office of Accessibility Services.

A qualified professional has expertise in the physical/mental impairment or medical condition and has direct knowledge of the student's impairment and functional limitations. Examples of appropriate professionals include but are not limited to, doctors (including psychiatrists), psychologists, physical therapists, licensed mental health professionals, certified physician assistants, nurse practitioners, social workers, etc. Please note that documentation provided by a relative or family friend is not acceptable.

Documentation serves three purposes:

  1. To establish that the student can be considered a person with a disability, and therefore, eligible for protection against discrimination because of a disability.

  2. To supplement information from the student regarding the impact of the disability.

  3. To support and assist in the identification of reasonable accommodation designed to facilitate equitable access to university environments on a case-by-case basis.

Documentation should include:

  • A diagnosis of the disability/health condition with relevant DSM-V and/or ICD codes. This may not be necessary for permanent visible disabilities, whose impact is readily apparent.
  • A description of the severity, current impact, limitations of the disability/health condition with specific focus on barriers to the educational and/or housing environment.
  • A discussion of whether the disability/health condition is permanent or temporary. If relevant, a description of the expected progression or stability of the permanent disability over time. If temporary, information on the expected duration of the disability/health condition and timeline for re-evaluation.
  • If applicable, side effects of any medication on the student's ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary environment (physical, perceptual, behavioral, or cognitive).
  • Identification from the qualified provider containing: contact information, area of specialization, license number, signature/electronic signature.

If the qualified professional indicates specific accommodations and/or auxiliary aids, supporting evidence must be included. However, the final determination for providing appropriate accommodations and auxiliary aids rests with the Office of Accessibility Services.

Documentation may be submitted in but not limited to one of the following formats:

  • Qualified provider’s official, professional letterhead
  • Official visit summary, such as emergency department discharge papers
  • Neuropsychological assessment
  • Psycho-educational evaluation (Learning Disability/ ADHD/ TBI)
  • Psychometric test results from general measures of aptitude and academic achievement (Learning Disability/ADHD/TBI)
  • Audiogram
  • Vision screening results
  • Other information from a qualified healthcare provider that can provide insight into the student’s limitations and/or provide support for any requested accommodations.

IEP's or Section 504 plans from high school:

Although an IEP or Section 504 plan from high school may help identify services that have been used by a student in the past, they generally are NOT sufficient documentation to support the existence of a current disability and need for accommodations.


The Office of Accessibility Services is the custodian of disability records obtained for the purpose of providing accommodations. Students are discouraged from sending disability related/medical records to Admissions, academic departments, and/or faculty.

All information and documentation submitted to Accessibility Services is kept separate from academic records and is considered private under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  Under FERPA, disability and medical information is confidential and is not shared except where disclosure is required by law or is necessary to facilitate legitimate University processes, including granting appropriate accommodations, addressing direct threats, or investigating claims or charges.

HIPAA privacy and confidentiality guides do not apply to documents submitted to Accessibility Services as they are not used for treatment or billing purposes.

More information about your rights under HIPAA and how your health information must be kept private and secure can be found on the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office for Civil Rights website: 

Step 2. Submit Documentation of Disability to the Office of Accessibility Services

Documentation can be submitted by email (preferred), delivered in person, or sent by traditional mail.

When sending documentation by email please upload supporting documents in commonly used file formats (i.e., PDF, JPG).


In-Person: Elliott Student Union, 224

Mailing Address: 
University of Central Missouri
Office of Accessibility Services
Elliott Student Union 224
511 South Holden St.
Warrensburg, MO 64093

Step 3. Documentation Review

Once documentation is received, Accessibility Services staff will verify, review, and consider all relevant information provided  on an individual, case-by-case basis. Students will then be contacted through their UCM student email to either schedule an intake appointment or to request further documentation.

Students should allow at least 48 business hours for the review process. Please note there may be certain times during the year that result in a higher volume of documentation received resulting in a longer turnaround time.

Step 4: Intake Appointment

Students must meet with Accessibility Services staff to discuss their needs in more detail, identify and review accommodations, go over procedures for implementing accommodations, and discuss potential resources.

Be prepared to answer questions for yourself, such as:

  • What is your disability?
  • How does your disability affect you?
  • What accommodations were helpful in the past?
  • What accommodations do you think you need?

Additional Information

Student Responsibilities

Now that you are in college, it’s up to you to advocate for yourself and your needs. When you were in high school, your parents and teachers likely determined what you needed and discussed your disability. Teachers and parents likely identified that you had a disability and planned for you to receive services. In college, the process works much differently.

In college YOU MUST do the following to receive and utilize accommodations:

  • Self-identify and disclose that you have a disability to Accessibility Services.
  • Obtain and provide the necessary documentation to Accessibility Services.
  • Participate in the intake meeting with Accessibility Services staff.
  • Seek out and utilize campus resources.
  • Request your Letter of Accommodation(s) to be sent to your instructors every semester.

Advocating for yourself also means that it is your responsibility to talk to your instructors about what you need and when you need it. You may choose to use some accommodations in some classes and choose not to use them in others. You will need to be able to discuss the following with instructors:

  • Which accommodations you intend to use for their class. Don’t assume that they know!
  • Coordinate with them when you plan to utilize your accommodations.

Instructors will not remind you when assignments are due or if you have incomplete assignments. They will have no parental contact. They expect you to read, save, and refer back to your course syllabus. You are completely responsible for your classes. If you need assistance, they expect you to approach them and ask.

Animals on Campus

The University of Central Missouri supports the use of service animals and emotional support animals on campus by those with disabilities in appropriate circumstances and in accordance with this policy. 

Animals on Campus Policy

Per the University Student Handbook:

  • Only Service Animals and University approved Emotional Support Animals are permitted in Housing facilities. Guests are NOT allowed to bring animals into Housing facilities.
  • Service Animals: Only individuals who have a disability and a trained service animal as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) should have a service animal in the halls. Individuals who require a service animal may wish to register with the Office of Accessibility Services.
  • Emotional Support Animals: Emotional Support Animals are not trained service animals. However, emotional support animals will be permitted in Housing facilities with prior approval from the Office of Accessibility Services pursuant to University procedures and standards and regulations of the University’s Animals on Campus Policy.
  • In accordance with the University policy on Animals on Campus: Service and Emotional Support Animals must be controlled by the owner/handler and pet sitting/care of the animal by others is not permitted. Students must take the animal with them or board them OFF campus if leaving campus for extended periods of time (overnight/weekends/University break periods/holidays). Behavior problems of the ESA could lead to removal of the ESA from campus.

Students seeking housing accommodation(s) and/or exemption(s) due to a disability must register with the Office of Accessibility Services.

Be aware! Many unethical providers/companies online claim they can provide (at a cost) items like "support animal certifications", "registration numbers", or "ID cards", however, this is a scam!  There is no such thing as "certifying your support animal". These documents do not convey any rights under the ADA and the Department of Justice does not recognize them. There is no official registration system for support animals or service animals in the US. 

Residential Requirement Policy

First and second year students are required to live in university housing. Students whose circumstances meet one of the exemptions or have changed since signing the Housing Agreement may apply for an exemption to this requirement. A list of exemptions may be obtained from the Office of University Housing.

Residential Requirement Policy

Students seeking housing accommodation(s) and/or exemption(s) due to a disability must register with the Office of Accessibility Services.


The Office of Accessibility Services is committed to supporting students with disabilities, temporary impairments, and/or pregnancy by offering reasonable and appropriate accommodations. Our objective is to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to learn, participate in campus activities and events, and engage in their academic experience.



Administrative Office

Union 224
(660) 543-4983

Testing & Resource Center

Union 220
(660) 543-4699

