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Project Lead the Way

What is Project Lead The Way?

Project Lead The Way® (PLTW) is a not-for-profit organization that promotes pre-engineering courses for middle and high school students. PLTW forms partnerships with public schools, higher education institutions and the private sector to increase the quantity and quality of engineers and engineering technologists graduating from our educational system.

UCM offers college credit for qualified high school Project Lead the Way® courses. Upon completion of the course(s) students can apply the credits toward their degree programs. 

Commonly Asked Questions


Which Courses are Available for Credit through PLTW?





Introduction to Engineering Design - CTE 1300 (3 credit hrs)

Principles of Engineering - ENGT 1000 (3 credit hrs)

Digital Principles and Applications - ENGT 1050 (3 credit hrs)


Biomedical Science:


Medical Interventions + Biomedical Innovation = BIOL 1500 (4 credit hrs)

Principles of Biomedical Science + Human Body System = BIOL 2010 (3 credit hrs)




How do Students Qualify?

Requirements to qualify for college credit:

  1. Complete any PLTW course available  for credit at UCM while in high school and, 
  2. Earn a final course grade of B, or higher, in the course(s) and,
  3. Earn a score at the "Accomplished" or "Distinguished" level on the national EOC exam for PBS and HBS
  4. Be recommended for credit by your MI/BI PLTW teachers.

PLTW Checklist




How Do Students Apply for PLTW Credit?

Follow these steps:

  1. Meet qualification criteria. 
  2. Fill out a PLTW College Credit Application form for Engineering or Biomedical sign all paperwork (if minor parent/guardian must also sign) and include payment made out to UCM. 
  3. Send application to your PLTW teacher for signature and to gather supporting documentation.
  4. Your PLTW teacher must complete this Cooperative Agreement and W9 form to send with your application.
  5. Ask your high school for an official copy of your transcripts.
  6. Mail your credit application, your teacher's documents, transcripts, and full payment to UCM for processing. Mailing address is located at the top of this page and on the credit application form.




What's the Application Deadline?

You can apply for PLTW credit once the course is over during your time in high school. The credit opportunity expires one year after high school graduation.

If applying after graduation, the high school you graduated from must provide the necessary paperwork and documents to UCM to be eligible for the credits.



Contact Us

Krystle Gremaud, PLTW ENGT Program Coordinator
Scott Lankford, PLTW BIOM Program Coordinator
Humphreys 401
Warrensburg, MO 64093
(660) 543-4876


Project Lead The Way Checklist



