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Transfer Application

Let's Get Started!

We’re excited you’re ready to Choose Red! Applying to UCM is easy and we can’t wait to welcome you to our UCM family. Follow the steps in the online application and let us know if you have any questions. You can email us at or call at 660-543-4290.


Transfer Scholarships


Transfer Scholarship 3.5 - 4.0 GPA ($1,000 per semester)

  • Eligibility: To be considered, a student must meet the following criteria:

    • Regularly-admitted to UCM
    • Incoming undergraduate transfer student who has never before attended UCM [Credit received from UCM as a non-degree seeking student (visiting high school, visiting college, dual admission, dual credit) will not disqualify one from consideration.],
    • Transfer from an accredited 2-year or 4-year, public or private college/university and begin attending UCM as a full-time student the Spring, Summer or Fall 2018 semesters to pursue his/her first baccalaureate degree,
    • At least 24 earned post-high school, college level credit hours for all classes completed through the:
      >Fall 2017 semester if transferring to UCM the Spring 2018 semester, or
      >Spring 2018 semester if transferring to UCM the Summer or Fall 2018 semesters
    • Cumulative transfer grade point average of 3.50 or higher on all post-high school, college level classes completed through the:
      >Fall 2017 semester if transferring to UCM the Spring 2018 semester, or 
      >Spring 2018 semester if transferring to UCM the Summer or Fall 2018 semesters.

    Please Note: Final Scholarship awards are based on the student's cumulative GPA (from the completion of a minimum of 24 post-high school college-level credit hours) following the Fall 2017 semester for Spring 2018 admits or Spring 2018 semester for Summer or Fall 2018 admits. The UCM Admissions Office must receive final official transcripts before students can be fully awarded a scholarship and have it paid on their University account. If transferring to UCM Spring 2018, transcripts including all grades earned through Fall 2017 must be on file with the UCM Admissions Office no later than January 31, 2018. If transferring to UCM Summer or Fall 2018, transcripts including all grades earned through Spring 2018 must be on file with the UCM Admissions Office no later than August 31, 2018.

    Renewability: The Transfer Student Scholarship may be received for a maximum of six (6) semesters of undergraduate study provided the recipient:

    • Maintains status as a full-time UCM undergraduate student (12 or more undergraduate credit hours) each semester, and
    • Remains in good academic standing (not be placed on academic probation), and
    • Maintains a minimum cumulative UCM grade-point average of 3.25 upon completion of each academic year.

Transfer Scholarship 3.0 to 3.49 GPA ($500 per semester)

  • Eligibility: To be considered, a student must meet the following criteria:

    • Regularly-admitted to UCM
    • Incoming undergraduate transfer student who has never before attended UCM [Credit received from UCM as a non-degree seeking student (visiting high school, visiting college, dual admission, dual credit) will not disqualify one from consideration.],
    • Transfer from an accredited 2-year or 4-year, public or private college/university and begin attending UCM as a full-time student the Spring, Summer or Fall 2018 semesters to pursue his/her first baccalaureate degree,
    • At least 24 earned post-high school, college level credit hours for all classes completed through the:
      >Fall 2017 semester if transferring to UCM the Spring 2018 semester, or
      >Spring 2018 semester if transferring to UCM the Summer or Fall 2018 semesters
    • Cumulative transfer grade point average of 3.00 to 3.49 on all post-high school, college level classes completed through the:
      >Fall 2017 semester if transferring to UCM the Spring 2018 semester, or 
      >Spring 2018 semester if transferring to UCM the Summer or Fall 2018 semesters.

    Please Note: Final Scholarship awards are based on the student's cumulative GPA (from the completion of a minimum of 24 post-high school college-level credit hours) following the Fall 2017 semester for Spring 2018 admits or Spring 2018 semester for Summer or Fall 2018 admits. The UCM Admissions Office must receive final official transcripts before students can be fully awarded a scholarship and have it paid on their University account. If transferring to UCM Spring 2018, transcripts including all grades earned through Fall 2017 must be on file with the UCM Admissions Office no later than January 31, 2018. If transferring to UCM Summer or Fall 2018, transcripts including all grades earned through Spring 2018 must be on file with the UCM Admissions Office no later than August 31, 2018.

    Renewability: The Transfer Student Scholarship may be received for a maximum of six (6) semesters of undergraduate study provided the recipient:

    • Maintains status as a full-time UCM undergraduate student (12 or more undergraduate credit hours) each semester, and
    • Remains in good academic standing (not be placed on academic probation), and
    • Maintains a minimum cumulative UCM grade-point average of 3.00 upon completion of each academic year.

Admissions requirements

Multiple ways to be admitted!

Requirements for transfer students vary depending on how many hours you have done. If you have 24 or more completed, post high school, transferrable hours, you will only need to submit your college transcripts and have a 2.0 or higher transfer GPA. If you have less than 24, we will also need HS transcripts and ACT/SAT score. Remember, you must submit official transcripts from all colleges attended. 


Undergraduate Admissions
Warrensburg MO, 64093
Ward Edwards 1401
Tel: (660) 543-4290
