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Assured Admission Requirements

Comprehensive Review Process

At the University of Central Missouri, ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to apply! We individually review each application for admission. Your personal excellence should and will be evaluated by more than just academic achievement. We consider many factors, including: high school GPA, ACT or SAT scores, personal statement, academic letters of recommendation, leadership experience, service, community involvement and accomplishments. We are interested in learning much more about your preparedness, motivation and potential in the unique context of your experience.

The table below shows the high school GPA and ACT or SAT score combination for admission. Students who do not meet the assured admissions requirements in the below table are still encouraged to apply. Each student's application is reviewed individually.

High School GPA on 4.0 Scale ACT Score SAT Score
2.00 21 1060-1080
2.50 20 1030-1050
2.75+ Test Optional Test Optional


Direct Admission Program

Our new Direct Admission Program is designed to make the college admissions process even easier! By completely removing the application step, high school seniors can receive their UCM admissions decision without going through the steps to apply — and can experience ease of mind with knowing their instant admissions decision.  Qualified students at participating partner schools who have a 2.75+ cumulative high school GPA will receive direct admission to UCM by email**. 


What are the benefits?

  • No hassle with the application process
  • No High School Transcripts required for admission
  • Instant scholarship award  notification upon acceptance 


Direct Admission Program Requirements:

  • Student must have a 2.75 or higher cumulative high school GPA
  • Student must be attending at a partnering high school with our Direct Admissions Program

If you are a high school student who would like to participate in our Direct Admission Program, contact your school counselor to inquire if your school is a participating partner. If you are a high school counselor who would like to create a partnership for your school, please email or for more information. 

**Students admitted through the Direct Admission Program will need to verify some personal/financial information upon accepting their admission via email (this includes verifying their social security number).


Test Optional Admission

Students applying to UCM with a 2.75 GPA or higher will be admitted without submitting an ACT or SAT test score.  Students admitted as test optional will also receive up to $3,000 in Red & Black Scholarship. While you are fully admitted to UCM under the test optional admission policy, you will need to submit a qualifying test score to be eligible for the following:

  • Direct Entry Nursing Program (requires an ACT composite of 25 or higher)
  • Education majors - possible exemption from the MOGEA exam
  • Honors College (requires an ACT composite of 25 or higher)
  • Automatic merit scholarships**

Test scores are still required for both certain UCM academic direct program admissions as well as certain scholarships mentioned above.

**Students admitted under test-optional admissions are still eligible to earn a higher Red and Black Scholarship with submission of a qualifying ACT score and GPA. See the GPA & ACT requirements here.


Below Minimum Requirements

What do you do if you don’t meet the minimum requirements listed above? You should still apply! UCM reviews each application on an individual basis, and applicants that don’t meet the assured admissions requirements above are automatically considered for UCM's Advantage Program.


High School Coursework

UCM bases its high school core curriculum requirement off recommendations of the . In order for students to be considered for admission directly after graduation from an accredited high school, students must meet the requirements as listed below.

English/Language Arts - 4 Units

  • Speech and debate courses may be included.
  • Acceptable courses: English or language arts, literature, speech, debate, journalism (if writing intensive)
    Unacceptable courses: student publications, broadcast media, theater

Mathematics - 3 Units

  • All units of math must be at Algebra I or higher-level courses.
  • Acceptable courses: algebra I, geometry, algebra II, trigonometry, pre-calculus, math analysis
    Unacceptable courses: computer math/programming, pre-algebra, general math, consumer math, business math

Social Studies - 3 Units

  • Acceptable courses: world history, American history, American government, state/regional history, principles of democracy, civics, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, geography
    Unacceptable courses: family relations, human development, consumer education, personal finance

Science - 3 Units

  • One unit must be a laboratory course.
  • Acceptable courses: biology, chemistry, physics, anatomy and physiology, botany, zoology, integrated science, physical science, earth science, environmental science
    Unacceptable courses: general science, consumer science

Fine Arts - 1 Unit

  • Acceptable courses: art, music (band, orchestra, choir, music appreciation or music theory), dance, drama, theatre appreciation
    Unacceptable courses: speech, debate, mass media, arts and craft

Please note:

  • Students who only had pass/fail or similar grading options during the Spring 2020 semester will NOT be penalized.
  • Students who are missing one core requirement may still be considered for admission. Students missing core requirements will be reviewed on an individual basis.

ACT / SAT Scores

After taking either the ACT or SAT, make sure to send your scores from each test to the Office of Admissions to include on your record.

UCM's institution codes are:

  • ACT : 2272
  • SAT : 6090

Please note:

  • The writing sections of the ACT and SAT will not affect your admission to UCM.
  • Unless applying as a test-optional student, your ACT/SAT scores will be combined with your high school GPA to determine admissibility.
