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Other Applicant Types



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If you have been a degree-seeking student at UCM but haven’t enrolled in classes for at least one semester, you must apply for re-admission.


Re-Admit Requirements

If you left UCM in good standing and want to return, simply complete the application and send in any official transcripts of school work completed in the time since your last enrollment at UCM. No application fee required! If you aren’t sure if you left in good standing give us a call!


If you left UCM due to suspension or dismissal, you will need to complete the Reinstatement Process after completing the application and sending any official transcripts of school work completed in the time since your last enrollment at UCM. For more information on the process click here.


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Dual Admission

You are  community college student who plans to receive an associate degree and continue on for their bachelor's degree. Dual admitted students will receive advisement from UCM concerning their progression toward degree completion.


What Will Dual Admissions Provide?

Dual admission is designed for community college students who plan to receive an associate degree and continue on for their bachelor's degree. This will make sure you are on the right track for academic planning. Dual admitted students will receive advisement from UCM concerning their progression toward degree completion.   An updated degree audit will be made available in MyCentral. Each dual admitted student can receive, if they choose, a UCM ID card providing students with access to athletic events, the library and cultural events.

How Does Dual Admissions Work?

A student who is admitted to a community college may apply to UCM for dual admission by submitting a completed admissions . We also require proof of community college enrollment. If you have recently enrolled in your first semester at community college, you can submit your course schedule to us via e-mail at For students with completed community college coursework, an unofficial transcript can be submitted.

When a dual admit student is a year out from fully transferring to UCM, he or she should let the UCM Office of Admissions know. They can do this by email, phone call or application to the Office of Admissions as a transfer student. 

Financial Aid for Dual Admission Students

Dual admitted students are pursuing their associate degree from their two year institution, thus receiving financial aid through their "home institution." Dual admit student will not receive aid through UCM until they are ready to fully transfer and begin as a degree seeking student at UCM. At the time of transfer, they will notify UCM of their transfer and complete/update their FAFSA with UCM's school code of 002454.

Special Considerations

The dual admitted student must understand that admission to the university does not mean admission to all programs. Upon transition to a degree seeking student, admissibility requirements will be evaluated; dual admission status does not guarantee admission as a transfer student. Some programs have special admittance requirements that are noted in the UCM catalog.   The dual admissions category is non-degree seeking. Dual admitted students will be encouraged to send unofficial transcripts upon the completion of each semester so their DARS report will be updated. Dual admitted students must contact their academic advisor at UCM each semester prior to enrolling in a course at UCM.  


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Non-Degree Seeking Students

You would like to take a class or two but do not want to pursue a degree.


Visiting Students

Visiting College Student: You’re currently attending another college or university, but you want to attend Central Missouri for a semester and then transfer back to your home institution. You must apply for admission and submit an unofficial transcript.

Visiting High School Student: You’re currently a high school junior or senior who has permission to enroll in a limited number of university-level courses. You must apply for admission. Questions? 


You would like to take a class for no grade or no credit.  Regular fees and enrollment procedures are required.  You must apply for admission.  Be sure to indicate audit on your application.  No transcripts are needed.  Courses taken as an audit must be so designated prior to the final date for changing class schedules as announced in the official calendar. 

Special Credit

You would like to take a class or two but do not want to pursue a degree.  You must  for admission.  No transcripts are needed.

Senior Citizens

Missouri residents who are 65 years of age or older may enroll for courses without tuition payment. Persons seeking this scholarship shall provide documentation of age to Central Missouri and satisfy all other necessary entrance requirements including a completed application for admission. This enrollment is for non-credit (audit) purposes and may only be used for classes located on the Warrensburg campus. This scholarship may not be utilized for Online and Learning Engagement class offerings, such as online courses.


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Post Baccalaureate

You have earned a bachelor's degree and wish to complete another at UCM.


How to Apply

Students who wish to obtain a second bachelor’s degree must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or an equivalent credential from a foreign institution recognized by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. You will apply using the UCM Application.  A $30 application fee will be required.  You must meet the University of Central Missouri transfer admission requirements.


Send your official college transcripts to:

Office of Admissions 

University of Central Missouri

P.O. Box 800

1400 Ward Edwards

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Fax: (660) 543-8517


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Early College Programs

Early College Programs at UCM include High School Dual Credit, Innovation Track, MIC Innovation Track, Visiting High school and Project Lead the Way, to name a few.  

Learn More

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Certificate Seeking Students

Launch your career, expand your skills, and explore new fields with UCM's career certificate programs.



