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Research Funding and Support


Graduate Studies provides scholarships, awards, grants, and funding to support graduate students and their research.


Funding Opportunities

Graduate Student Scholarly Travel Fund

Hosted by Graduate Studies, these funds are awarded to graduate students to attend and participate in scholarly conferences and events that complement the educational experience beyond UCM. These funds aim to promote and encourage high levels of graduate educational and scholarly activity, build networking skills, and obtain discipline content.

To obtain funding, the graduate student must submit a complete application with all required documentation to the Office of Graduate Studies.  This award is available to all graduate students seeking degrees at UCM. Students applying for funds need to be enrolled the semester you plan to travel.

Applications will be reviewed in the order received. As funds are available, graduate students, individually or with a faculty lead group with three or more graduate students, may receive one award per semester.

Award levels:

  • $500 for attending events
  • $800 for presenting
  • $2,000 for faculty lead group with three or more graduate students

We are currently accepting applications via the following form: .

Graduate Student Scholarly Research Fund

Graduate scholarly funding can help a student's research go a long way.  These funds help graduate work and elevate students' work by providing them with access to rare materials and costly equipment. Research grants also provide students the opportunity to build a reputation as committed scholars and forge the connections needed to generate more opportunities once their degrees are completed.

The following worksheet will be useful as you prepare your application: Graduate Grant Budget Worksheet

We are currently accepting applications via the following form: .

Graduate Student Achievement Award

Awarded to students displaying high academic achievement and leadership qualities.  The award is directly applied to student fees in the semester granted. Graduate Assistants (GAs) are not eligible.

Apply via the


Willard North Research Award

The for Graduate Students is named in honor of Dr. "Will" North, who devoted many years to fostering research activities at the UCM. The awards, available to graduate students in all disciplines, are supported by the Willard North Endowment Fund, which is part of the UCM Alumni Foundation. Because of Dr. North's professional involvement in teaching psychology and Counselor Education, applications from students in those disciplines are especially encouraged.

Apply via the

Reid Hemphill Outstanding Graduate Student Scholarship

The is available through the University of Central Missouri Foundation for a graduate student at UCM. This scholarship is made possible through gifts from Reid Hemphill, and from Ralph and Miriam Hemphill Curran, Don and Nancy Hemphill, and friends and colleagues in memory of Reid Hemphill after his death.

Apply via the


Warren C. Lovinger Graduate Student Scholarship

Beginning in 1980, the  has been named annually at UCM. The award is derived from the earned interest of the contributions made to the Warren C. Lovinger Graduate Scholarship Fund by friends and colleagues of Warren C. Lovinger, 10th President of the University. Applicants must have received an undergraduate degree from UCM prior to June 1 of the year the award is granted and must have completed 60 credit hours of undergraduate credit at UCM. Current graduate students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.75.

Apply via the

Graduate Assistant Positions

UCM offers a variety of Graduate Assistant positions on campus to qualified graduate students. Stipends and scholarships for the assistance vary according to the assignment. The work performed as a graduate assistant is designed to enhance the student’s professional development and experience in their field of study.


Graduate Studies
Ward Edwards 1900
Tel: (660) 543-4729
