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Graduate Council

The Graduate Council (GC) serves as the academic governance group for graduate faculty at the University of Central Missouri. 
Graduate Council members are elected by graduate faculty to represent their colleges. The Graduate Faculty Assembly is comprised of all faculty with full or associate graduate faculty status. Graduate Coordinators are a subset of the graduate faculty that have been appointed by their respective chair and dean to oversee and coordinate graduate programs. 


Graduate Council

The Graduate Council (GC) serves as an administrative committee for the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice Provost of Academic Programs and Services. The Graduate Council serves as a recommending body to Graduate Studies and all graduate functions of Graduate & International Student Services and the Registrar. The Graduate Council functions as the main recommending body to the director of Graduate Studies on all issues central to: the development and advancement of the university’s vision with regard to graduate education and research, the development and review of University policies and procedures for graduate education as set forth in the , the review and recommendation of curricula (including program admissions requirements, courses, degrees, and certificates), the monitoring of graduate program quality, and the review of all full graduate-faculty status requests.



Graduate Council Meeting Information

The Graduate Council typically meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 3:30 pm during the fall and spring semester. Additional meetings may arise as needed. See Agenda for further location information and details. The Graduate Council follows .




Graduate Faculty Assembly

The Graduate Council serves as the executive committee of the Graduate Faculty Assembly.  The Graduate Faculty Assembly is comprised of all faculty with full or associate graduate faculty status. 


Graduate Faculty Assembly Meeting Information

The Graduate Faculty Assembly typically meets  twice per academic year, once every fall and once every spring semester, unless additional meetings are needed. See Agenda for further location information and details.




Graduate Coordinators

Graduate Coordinators serve as the primary faculty contact for their graduate program. They are a subset of the graduate faculty that allows for communication flow, sharing of information, and collecting feedback.


Graduate Coordinator Meeting Information

Graduate Coordinators typically meet four times per academic year, twice every fall and twice every spring, unless additional meetings are needed. See Agenda for further location information and details. 




Regional and National Representation for Graduate Education

Graduate Studies and Graduate & International Student Services represent UCM on the Missouri Graduate Deans Association (MOGDA), the , and the .



Graduate Council

Melissa Petkovsek
HUM 301 C-1
Tel: (660) 543-4270


Graduate Studies


International Student Services

Phil Hull
WDE 1800
Tel: (660) 543-4092


Office of the Registrar

Heather McGrath
WDE 1000
Tel: (660) 543-4900
