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Be engaged and connected with others and the community: Students will feel a sense of belonging and connection to the UCM and local community. Students will gain skills to make meaningful connections to others and gain an acceptance and understanding of others. Embrace our diverse world and the importance of inclusion of all people: Students will learn and develop skills to enhance their lives through a broader understanding of relationships with others, society, and the world. Students will learn skills to demonstrate their role in an inclusive and caring community. Develop life skills and become self-aware: Students will learn and develop skills to achieve personal responsibility for living in a community, solving ones problems, accepting personal role in challenges, failures, and successes, living a healthy lifestyle, and other life skills. The Residence Hall Director provides leadership and direction to all students and staff living in the residence hall/apartments. Additionally, they are responsible for student staff supervision, training and development, hall council advising, outreach and counseling of residence hall students and problem solving within the hall. Reporting directly to the Assistant Director. The Residence Hall Director is an essential member of the leadership team in the Office of University Housing. This is a required live in position. STAFF DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING RESPONSIBILITIES Supervises daily performances of the undergraduate staff members. Participates in staff recruitment, selection, training, and evaluation. Attends and participates in all required hall, area, office and departmental staff meetings and workshops. Provides direction and information to staff in the following areas: programs, activities, counseling, administration, judicial affairs, and personal conduct. Develops and conducts staff in-service training sessions. Prepares and supervises undergraduate staff duty/call schedules. Supervises Community Advisor staff which includes acknowledgment of positive contributions as well as confrontation when staff behavior is inappropriate. Where applicable, schedules, trains and evaluates the front desk staff/library staff/fitness center staff. STUDENT DEVELOPMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Facilitates the development of an environment which stimulates student responsibility and accountability within the residence hall system. Oversees, advises, and assists in the planning of programs with students and staff in the residence hall. Such programs must consider the developmental needs of students, the coordination with classroom learning, and the broad educational emphasis. Consults and advises students on an individual and small group basis. Refer students to appropriate resources or helping agencies. Facilitates weekly staff and individual meetings. Assists in establishing a positive working relationship between the residence hall staff and the hall council officers. Identifies and articulates individual and staff goals by the end of the first month of employment. Acts as a judicial hearing officer for policy violations in the assigned hall. Handles referrals for policy violations, clarifies and interprets University and residence hall policies for students and staff; recommends appropriate sanctions for various offenses; follows-up on all judicial matters; and provides timely judicial communications with students and staff. Presents/facilitates programs to the residents/staff. Eat meals in the dining halls to interact with residents and help with monitoring the dining hall experience. ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES Reports to the Assistant Director of Residence Life. Communicates regularly with dining hall staff, office personnel, and other University officials. Monitors the physical upkeep and maintenance of the residence halls through job orders and communication with Assistant Director. Prepares a weekly occupancy report. Coordinates the accurate and timely completion of paperwork associated with room changes, check-in/check-out, etc. Serve as on call duty person for all housing facilities. Remains on campus during certain weekends: closed weekends, opening/closing weekends, and specified weekends as designated by the Office of University Housing. Also, with one-half of the area leadership must remain on campus each weekend. Maintains regularly scheduled office hours each week. Performs special duties requested by the Assistant Director and the Office of University Housing (i.e. committee work reports, etc.). Maintains a close working relationship with the support staff. COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENTS The Residence Hall Directors will have a collateral assignment/project within the department. The assignments that we have available include: Advising Hall Councils QUALIFICATIONS Bachelors degree completed by July 1. Enrollment in an UCM graduate program Minimum 3.00 undergraduate cumulative grade point average preferred (cannot be below 2.70). Must be able to respond to emergency situations quickly. Mobility throughout the housing system is essential. REMUNERATION Salary - $4500/semester. Graduate Assistant Scholarship/semester ** (Tuition & Fee assistance typically covers 9 credit hours at in and out of state rates) Additionally, Residence Hall Directors receive a furnished apartment, office and board plan while classes are in session, a student parking permit. EMPLOYMENT DATES Start date varies with university calendar. (The Graduate Assistant Contract from the Graduate School begins the week before classes in the Fall semester and the first day of classes for the Spring semester.) Dates outside Graduate Schools Graduate Assistant Contract are required due to Housings work prior to student arrival and additional compensation may be provided. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Apply and be accepted to UCM Graduate School and Program of Study. Apply for assistantship on-line at jobs.ucmo.edu/hr Questions regarding the position and selection should be directed to: Alan Nordyke Director of Residence Life Office of University Housing Ellis Complex - L23 Warrensburg, MO 64093 Nordyke@ucmo.edu 660-543-4515 University of Central Missouri is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. 3F^n ( ) * A B C   / ־־֦֊nn_nnnh<)Ih<)IB*CJaJph7h<)Ih<)I5>*B*CJ\aJfHphq 7h<)Ih<)I5>*B*CJ\aJfHph"""q .h<)Ih<)IB*CJaJfHph"""q .h<)Ih<)IB*CJaJfHphq h<)Ih<)ICJaJ,h<)Ih<)I56>*B*CJ\]aJph hP5CJ%3F^n* C  = Xhi/iD & F & F9D[$\$gd<)I & F9D[$\$gd<)I [$\$gd<)I$a$/ 0 1    I J K ; < = C D f g h VWX{|5ȰȰ㰰pjdjj^jjj h<)ICJ hwCJ hPCJ(h}B*CJaJfHph"""q 7h<)Ih<)I5>*B*CJ\aJfHphq h<)Ih<)IB*CJaJph.h<)Ih<)IB*CJaJfHph"""q 4h<)Ih<)I5B*CJ\aJfHph"""q 7h<)Ih<)I5>*B*CJ\aJfHph"""q #5AAghi/iD`Zq}\"W:^ 1 hPCJ h}CJ hP5CJ hwCJ h<)ICJ hPCJ h(.CJRD`Z\"W:^ 1 & F & F & F & FJ[klm",6?E`acdjqtwz  ώ۷۫۷h<)Ih<)I5CJ\ h|?mCJ hK!CJ hZCJ hN]CJ hp,CJ h(.CJ h<)ICJ hnOCJ hwCJ hP5CJ hPCJ h5CJCm,$ % 6 b !!!! 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