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School of Technology (Graduate Program) - Courses Offered

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Live Classroom or 100% Online

The Industrial Management program, School of Technology, offers classes in Project Management, Lean and Quality Management, Industrial Management, and Organizational Dynamics. These classes have options of live in the classroom and 100% online delivery, both undergraduate and graduate credits. There is no pre-requisite course requirement.  

To learn more details, click on the class name for the topic outlines.

For more information about the School of Technology – Graduate Program, click here.

See Brochure

Identify, discuss, and research current issues, trends, and technological changes affecting industry as related to corporate planning, decision making, and managing for the future. This course is co-listed with INDM 4010. An additional fee is associated with this course.

A survey of operations management in industry today. Industrial management principles and applications, management science, operations analysis and design, manufacturing processes, process life cycle, production inventory, and quality control are emphasized. This course is co-listed with INDM 4210. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Integration of concepts involved in providing safe and comfortable work places (Ergonomics) with concepts directed toward increased productivity and profitability (Work Design). This course is co-listed with INDM 4220. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Relationship between quality and competitiveness, design strategy for performance excellence, and discussion of cases in lean systems and Six Sigma. This course is co-listed with INDM4230. Prerequisite(s): Background statistics course. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Provides students and practitioners with the practical resources that describe the techniques and procedures for developing an efficient facility layout and an introduction to computer simulations. This course is co-listed with INDM 4240. An additional fee is associated with this course.

This course is designed to provide students with applied knowledge in project management organizational contexts, project selection, portfolio management, project leadership, scope management, team building, conflict management, risk management, scheduling, networking, resource management, project evaluation, project control, and project termination. This course is co-listed with INDM 4250. An additional fee is associated with this course

Various types and styles of supervisory leadership in the industrial setting. Emphasis is placed on human relations aspects of leadership in the line and staff organizational structure. This course is co-listed with INDM 4260. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Develop an understanding of international technology management for graduate students in the international environment. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Production/operations concepts with emphasis upon systems, systems design and analysis, strategies, productivity, planning, forecasting, deterministic and stochastic inventory control, MRP scheduling, and project planning. An additional fee is associated with this course.

A survey of theory, goals, and applications of Lean principles and strategies in industrial organizations. Applying Lean concepts to business strategy, product design, tools for finding and eliminating wastes and for process continuous improvement. Prerequisite(s): INDM 5130 or ENGT 5580 or instructor consent. An additional fee is associated with this course. 

To provide individual research and experimentation opportunities for industrial management majors. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 semester hours. Prerequisite(s): Ten semester hours of graduate study in industrial management. An additional fee is associated with this course.

An investigation of problems and specific issues in Lean-Six Sigma implementation in the manufacturing and service environment is presented. The emphasis is on case study analysis and individual research projects on industrial core operations and support functions, with the business results of Lean and Six Sigma processes. Prerequisite(s): INDM 5130 or ENGT 5580 or instructor consent. An additional fee is associated with this course 

Principles and techniques needed for making decisions about the acquisition and retirement of capital goods by industry. Emphasis on techniques which produce long-run economy in industrial operations. An additional fee is associated with this course.

Development of material requirements planning within the context of management information systems. An additional fee is associated with this course. 

A course of study in total quality techniques, quality standards and criteria, and quality certification training utilized by quality professionals in dynamic organizations. Prerequisite(s): INDM 5130 or ENGT 5580 or instructor consent. An additional fee is associated with this course. 

The principles and practices of Total Quality Managements and the decision-making tools and techniques utilized by professionals in today's successful industries. This course is co-listed with ENGT 4580. An additional fee is associated with this course

Research investigation of a technical problem. The course will culminate in a research report. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 semester hours per degree program. An additional fee is associated with this course. 

A special investigation of selected problems in Industrial Management which culminates in the completion of a thesis. Must be repeated for a total of 6 semester hours. An additional fee is associated with this course. 


For more questions, contact Dr. Sue Rodchua (email:
