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School of Industrial Sciences & Technology Graduate Programs

Welcome to the School of Industrial Sciences & Technology (SIST) at University of Central Missouri. The SIST graduate programs include 2 M.S. degree programs, 2 Graduate certificates, and a Ph.D. consortium program. The M.S. in Industrial Management and M.S. in Technology have been accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) since 2008. To learn more about our programs, visit the links below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Technology students in class

Connect with Us

The SIST Graduate Program main office is located at Technology Gaines Building, 3rd floor, TRG 318.

Please feel free to reach the program coordinator, Dr. Sue Rodchua,, if you have any questions, or connect with us via social media.
UCM SIST Graduate Programs Facebook
UCM ASQ Student Branch Facebook
UCM SIST Graduate Programs LinkedIn

A person inspecting an industrial location

First Destination Success Rates

These reports highlight UCM graduates six months after graduation on their First Destination Success (FDS). FDS can be defined as graduates who are actively engaged in work/educational experiences (full-time, part-time, military, volunteer/program of service, or continuing education). Prospective students and families can gain knowledge by looking at major statistics.


Sample Resumes


Graduate Programs

Program Outcomes

MS Industrial Management

Program Outcomes:

The Master of Science in Industrial Management program is designed to prepare professional managers who possess skills and knowledge acquired through education and on-site experience necessary to manage manufacturing processes including bid preparation, project acquisition, project management, quality, safety, and supervision of the industrial enterprise. The diagram below illustrates the suggested articulation for this degree.

Management Skills

Outcome #1 - Apply management skills and concepts to specific situations.

  • The student will apply the principles and philosophy of management systems, cost accounting, and economics to industry, including the interpretation of contracts, and the value of team building.
  • The student will execute industrial safety standards including the ability to interpret the OSHA industry standards, establish safety and health procedures on the project site, and perform hazardous material and process analysis.

Project Management

Outcome #2 - Plan and implement a project.

  • The student will identify the appropriate management principles necessary to complete a business plan, evaluate supply chains, and produce project plans.
  • The student will create change orders, organize contract agreements, interpret engineering drawings, operations schedules, and develop a return on investment analysis.
  • The student will prepare a complete project schedule, develop a procurement timetable, and establish a control manual.
  • The student will develop a plan showing the logical sequence of activities and time duration in order to monitor progress and update schedules. 

Human Resources

Outcome #3 - Analyze and develop a human relations strategy.

  • The student will identify the management code of ethics for organizations and management individuals.
  • Students will investigate union operations and labor relations within the industrial enterprise.

Communications Skills

Outcome #4 - Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively.

  • The student will apply oral, written, graphic, and listening skills as each enhances behavioral principles or attitude and effective communications.
  • The student graduating from the program will be a manufacturing service provider and marketer of management skills and knowledge.
  • Students will demonstrate the skills necessary to incorporate the technological tools used in industry to effectively communicate and collaborate with other professionals at a distance.

Industrial Economy

Outcome #5 - Explain and apply the basic concepts of an Industrial Economy.

  • The student will complete the estimating, cost accounting, and bidding sequence necessary for project job acquisition and completion.
  • The student will prepare a complete cost control analysis including the ability to establish an enterprise budget, prepare cost reports, and forecast expenditures.

Technical Skills

Outcome #6 - Introduce and adapt technical expertise to a given process or product.

  • The student will implement the various forms of technology necessary to complete the task of process management, utilizing the computer and electronic data processing.
  • The student will create complete word-processing, database, spreadsheet, and presentation applications for delivery on the information highway.
  • The student will understand the science of materials and methods of manufacturing.

Research Skills

Outcome #7 - Perform, interpret, and explain research.

  • The student will apply scientific knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and management sciences to the economic utilization of materials and forces of nature affecting operations of the industrial enterprise.
  • The student will effectively communicate in this digital and information technology era.
  • Students will practice techniques for developing innovative concepts and adding value to product/process.

MS Technology

Program Outcomes:

The graduate with a Master of Science degree in Technology will use the knowledge and skills obtained in the program to develop:

An Organizational Style

  • Acquire advanced skills for managing complex projects including planning and implementation
  • Apply organizational skills and concepts to effectively manage available resources
  • Be adaptable and focused on fostering continuous growth and development
  • Analyze current global systems, national interactions, and local business industry workflow

A Global Orientation

  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively and interact in the global environment
  • Analyze and develop processes and workflows
  • Demonstrate multi-cultural awareness in a global and technological society
  • Understand the importance of global functional integration
  • Explain the importance of contemporary, global, and societal issues as they relate to careers

 Quality Systems Knowledge

  • Recognize the characteristics that define quality relative to a specific discipline
  • Identify, develop, and implement quality strategies
  • Implement appropriate software applications for optimum quality and productivity

 Technology Management Skills

  • Understand scientific principles and technology relative to specialty area
  • Select and implement discipline specific technology
  • Develop, evaluate, and integrate technological systems to meet strategic goals
  • Understand legal issues affecting the use and implementation of evolving technology
  • Explain the significance of life-long learning for the purpose of enhancing discipline-specific technical competencies

Technological Ethics and Professionalism

  • Develop advanced professional and personal competencies in technology
  • Practice within the specific profession to meet the highest social and ethical standards
  • Explain and apply the basic concepts of a supply and demand economy in an information 
    based society
  • Demonstrate knowledge of professional integrity and ethical standards

Research Skills for Innovation

  • Apply advanced quantitative problem solving and decision making techniques
  • Develop the ability to conduct applied experimental research
  • Demonstrate integration techniques for new technologies related to a field of study
  • Foster entrepreneurs through innovation, collaboration, and managed technological change
  • Research foundational and developing systems and make predictions concerning emerging technologies 

Handbook and Forms

M.S. in Industrial Management (MSIM) and M.S. in Technology (MST)


Program of study (POS)


Program Accreditation

ATMAE Certified logo

The Industrial Management master’s and Technology master's degree programs are accredited by the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering ().

