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Students walking to and from the James C. Kirkpatrick library on a sunny afternoon.


Dr. Melissa Abner


Melissa Abner

Associate Professor and Program Coordinator
Fashion: Textiles and Clothing in Business
GRIN 215
(660) 543-8724

Dr. Melissa Abner, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, GRIN 241, 660-543-8724

Abner graduated with a B.S. degree in Textile and Apparel Management from the University of Missouri (2001) and her Master’s in Teaching from University of Central Missouri (2008). She completed her Ph.D. in Apparel Merchandising and Design at Iowa State (2019). Abner has worked in the fashion industry as a manager in both department and specialty stores, where she specialized in visual merchandising and sales. She has also worked in wholesale showrooms and as a vendor representative at small and large wholesale markets. Abner also acts as a buyer, promotion and website manager for her family’s shoe store. In addition, she taught FCS courses at Smith-Cotton High School for 2 years before joining the UCM Fashion Program in 2008. Abner received the Excellence in Teaching Award in 2020 for the College of Heath, Science, and Technology. She was also chosen as the Excellent Faculty Advisor at UCM in 2022.

Her research interests include marketing ethical products, engaged learning, internship experiences, and business strategies including social media and eWOM. She is involved on campus with Earth Week and works with students on multiple projects including the Recycle> Restyle> Revamp Fashion Show. Classes Abner teaches include: Fashion History of Costume, Sustainability for Consumer Products, Visual Merchandising and Fashion Promotion, Professional Image Management, Senior Seminar in Fashion, and Fashion Entrepreneurship.
