Open Calendar


Dr. Joshua Parham



Assistant Professor
WCM 409F
(660) 543-8082


Dr. Parham earned a B.S. in chemistry from the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith in 2013. During his undergraduate tenure he completed independent research under Prof. Sean Curtis exploring the synthesis of uvaridacols, naturally occurring organic compounds with potential anti-cancer activity. Dr. Parham went on to earn a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Kansas in 2019. His graduate research was completed in the laboratory of Prof. Timothy A. Jackson and focused on the synthesis and characterization of Manganese complexes in order to model the chemical reactivity of metalloenzymes. Dr. Parham began his career at UCM in the fall of 2019. His undergraduate research at UCM continues to explore the use of synthetic compounds as analogues to nature, including work with iron, manganese, and cobalt complexes.
