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Dr. Georgi Popov


Georgi Popov, PhD, QEP, CSP, ARM, SMS, CMC, FAIHA

Professor, GPS Chair (Interim)
Safety Sciences
Humphreys 327A
(660) 543-4208

Popov holds a Ph.D. from National Scientific Board (Bulgaria) and an M.S. in Nuclear Physics from Defense University (Bulgaria). Popov is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP), Associate in Risk Management (ARM), and a Safety Management Specialist (SMS). In 2001, Dr. Popov graduated from Command and General Staff College, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. He also has a post-graduate certification in Environmental Air Quality. Popov is a member of ASSP’s Heart of America Chapter and recipient of the chapter’s 2015 Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) award and 2016 ASSP Region V SPY award. In 2017, Dr. Popov received ASSP Outstanding Safety Educator award.  His research interests include risk assessment, enterprise risk management, industrial hygiene, ergonomics, safety management, prevention through design (PtD), air quality, alternative fuels, LEAN Six Sigma practices, and business aspects of Environmental Health and Safety.



UCM Faculty Member, Alumnus, Recognized for Top Safety Journal Articles

by Jeff Murphy, June 18, 2020

"WARRENSBURG, MO – The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Editorial Review Board has recognized two research articles co-written by a University of Central Missouri faculty member and a UCM alumnus among the top three best member-authored works published by “Professional Safety Journal (PSJ)” for 2019.


In its online announcement, Dr. Georgi Popov, CSP, QEP, ARM, SMS, CMC, FAIHA, professor in the UCM School of Geoscience, Physics, and Safety Science, and Bruce K. Lyon, CSP, PE, SMS, ARM, CHMM, a university graduate and safety sciences advisory board chair who serves as vice president of Hays Company of Kansas City, are recognized for contributing the first- and third-place articles in PSJ...."

Link to the full UCM Daily Article


Congratulations to Dr. Georgi Popov for being selected as an AIHA Fellow, April 2020 

The AIHA Fellows designation recognizes those who are AIHA members in good standing, have 15 years of continuous Full membership, and have made recognized contributions to industrial hygiene or related disciplines, either through research, leadership, publications, education, or service to AIHA. Fellows are nominated by an AIHA local section, special interest group, committee or peers. The Fellow designation is limited to no more than five percent of the membership.  

ASSP news:

AIHA web info:

Georgi is the 4th Safety Sciences faculty to receive this recognition.  Other recipients: Dr. Alice Greife, Dr. Allen Iske, and Dr. John Zey.
