Open Calendar


Dr. Meongsu Lee


Dr. Meongsu Lee

Assistant Instructor
Computer Science & Cybersecurity
WCM 116J
(660) 543-8212

Research Area: Computer vision, Semantic semantic segmentation, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Agricultural and Environmental Policy Analysis

Dr. Lee joins the Department of Computer Science and Cybersecurity from the University of Missouri, where he earned his Ph.D. in Agricultural Applied Economics. He also holds a Master's in Data Science and Analytics with a specialty in geospatial analysis. 

His research and teaching interests include semantic segmentation of the U.S. land use and land covers, computer vision machine learning and artificial intelligence development, the U.S. agricultural land retirement policy analysis, Applied Bayesian Inference, and general applied big data economic analysis. He publishes his research articles in peer-reviewed journals and presents his research projects in research conferences.

His ongoing research project establishes the land-use segmentation machine learning structure augmented with Bayesian inference of farm operators' land-use decision prediction based on an economic model.
