Open Calendar


Dr. I Hua Tsai


Dr. I Hua Tsai

Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Cybersecurity
MIC B257
(660) 543-4930

Research Areas: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Smart Healthcare, Internet of Thing (IoT), Nature Language Processing

Dr. Tsai received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Texas Tech University in 2024. Her research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cyber-Physical System (CPS), Nature Language Processing, Cardiac Disease Monitoring, Internet of Thing (IoT), Artificial Intelligent application in Smart Healthcare, Signal Processing, Mobile app building, Optimization algorithms enhance model performance and energy efficiency in real-time applications.

Dr. Tsai is a member of The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 

