Open Calendar


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What Is NeuroCALL?

NeuroCALL is a collaborative research lab in the Psychological Science Department run by Dr. Runyan. Dr. Runyan has extensive training in Behavioral Neuroscience and brain imaging and he is passionate about getting UCM students related experiences and training. NeuroCALL is composed of 12-20 undergraduate research assistants (varies semester-to-semester) that receive dozens of hours of training before they collect data for different research projects. Research Assistants (RAs) in NeuroCALL typically collect data for two to four studies each semester, and the topics of these research studies differ depending on the semester and the RA. Dr. Runyan believes in a peer-to-peer mentorship training program where he trains 2-4 RAs for up to 60 hours before they then receive Senior RA status. Once students in NeuroCALL becomre Senior RAs, they then train other RAs who have fewer hours of experience in NeuroCALL.



Requirements to Join NeuroCALL

There are no requirements to join NeuroCALL as a RA. However, the typical RA in NeuroCALL is dependable and good at communicating.

Dr. Runyan encourages freshman, sophomore, or junior Psychology students interested in graduate school to apply to be a RA in NeuroCALL.





All NeuroCALL members meet once a week for a one-hour lab meeting

in addition to their weekly training in the lab.



Career Opportunities From NeuroCALL

NeuroCALL is an excellent research opportunity for students who are interested in applying to graduate school. 

It also provides excellent opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in psychology, medical imaging, neuropsychology, education, radiology, nursing, counseling, and much more!


A person wearing an EEG device



measurement of the brain's electrical activity



Electrodermal Activity

measurement of the skin's electrical activity (sweat)




measurement of the electrical activity of the heart (e.g., HR)


New Members

  1. Contact us via NeuroCALL interest form.
  2. Upon acceptance, contact to schedule weekly training sessions (2hrs each).
  3. Watch BIOPAC videos.
  4. Attend training sessions & additional meetings.


Join NeuroCALL

Let us know your interested by applying!
