Open Calendar


Cassie Hoppas


Cassie Hoppas

Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre - Costume Design
Theatre and Dance
Martin 114A 


Cassie Kay Hoppas (she/her) is excited to rejoin the UCM Division of Theatre and Dance, having previously worked at UCM as the Costume Shop Manager in 2017-2018.

Cassie is originally from Erie, Kansas and holds her MFA in Costume Design and Production from the University of Alabama and a BFA in Theatre from Emporia State University.

Cassie has taught at several institutions, most recently the University of South Dakota and Missouri Western State University, as well as worked around the country at various theatre companies, including Black Hills Playhouse, South Dakota Shakespeare Festival, Lake Dillon Theatre Company, and the Des Moines Metro Opera. Some favorite designs include The Triumph of Love: The Musical (USD), Twelfth Night (SDSF), Angels and Demons (USD), Little Women (MWSU), Antigone (MWSU), and Tartuffe (UA).

A particular area of interest for Cassie is historical costumes and fashion as well as period construction techniques.
