
Open Calendar


Dr. Henry Wambuii

Professor, Comparative Politics and International Relations

Dr. Henry Kiragu Wambuii is a tenured Professor of Political Science at the University of Central Missouri. Dr. Wambuii received his B.A. from the University of Nairobi, Kenya, his Masters degree in International Development Administration (MDA) and his Ph.D. in Political Science from Western Michigan University.

His areas of expertise are International Development, State and Civil Society in Developing Countries and Comparative Politics. Recent research has focused on public policy formulation in the developing countries, with a special focus on the issues surrounding the response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic and the impact on democratization in sub-Saharan Africa.

He has conducted extensive research on politics in the developing world. Most recently, his published research has been on issues surrounding responses to HIV/AIDS and the pandemic's impact on political participation and governance. Other research interest is on poverty alleviation strategies in the developing world. His publications include a book titled The Politics of HIV/AIDS and Implications for Democracy in Kenya (2006), a book chapter entitled "For the Sake of Children: Community Based Projects in Kenya" in The Children of Africa Confront AIDS (2003) and several journal articles published in the African Studies Review, Journal of Third World Studies and the International Journal of Ecology and Development, among other journals. Dr. Wambuii has also authored several articles published in the International Encyclopedia of Political Science (2010).

Dr. Wambuii teaches several classes at UCM for both the Political Science and the International Studies programs. Recent classes taught are Principles of International Development, Modern sub-Saharan Africa Politics, Government and Politics in Latin America, Comparative Government and a class on Introduction to Politics. Other classes include Global Education Policy and Senior Seminar in International Studies and a new class on International Human Rights.
