What you will study
While a Modern Languages degree focuses on one language, a minor in World Languages
and Cultures lets you explore more.
With Chinese, French, German or Spanish available, you’ll choose three you wish to
learn. You’ll take one class in one language and two classes in another, taught by our award-winning educators who are either tenured faculty or native speakers.
For your third choice, you’ll take four classes for more in-depth learning of that language and culture. If you choose to
study abroad, whether to Japan, Korea, Spain or another exciting destination, you
can earn credits towards your World Languages and Cultures minor.
Fast track your Modern Languages degree or minor
A Language and Culture minor is widely chosen by UCM students who achieved high school
language proficiency. Take one of our placement exams to see if you can receive credit
for one or two elementary language degree courses in Chinese, French, German or Spanish.
In addition, if you score a grade of C or higher in Elementary II and Intermediate
I classes, you will receive additional credit hours at no tuition charge.
Excellence in World Languages and Cultures
- A widely chosen program by UCM students, the World Languages and Cultures minor helps
achieve proficiency in multiple languages, from Spanish and French to German and Chinese.
You’ll also gain cultural awareness to complement any area of study and help you get
the job you desire.
Unique learning opportunities in world languages and cultures
At the University of Central Missouri, we help you get the most from your Modern Languages
degree or World Languages and Cultures minor with interactive and real-world experiences.
Sharpen your linguistic skills or expand your cultural competency with the following
Visit UCM languages labs: Converse with, and get feedback from, the native and advanced speakers who staff our
languages labs to sharpen your world languages skills in Chinese, French, German or
Study abroad: Choose from over 60 countries to study abroad. Practice your language and expand your
cultural understanding in an exciting destination, while earning course credits.
Join the Modern Languages Club: Network with other students pursuing a Modern Languages degree or minor as you celebrate
cultural events and enjoy other social activities.
Attend the Modern Languages Foreign Film Festival: Watch foreign films created by students in grades 6–12 and take part in other events
as part of this annual UCM celebration.
What can you do with a minor in World Languages and Cultures from UCM?
Most UCM bachelor’s degrees would benefit from a World Language and Culture minor.
A linguistic and cultural proficiency can help you serve a multicultural community,
work in government at any level or communicate with co-workers across international
borders. When applying for a job, your Modern Languages degree or minor will demonstrate
to employers your flexibility in learning and critical-thinking skills. This can put
you ahead of your competition and even earn you higher pay, as we often hear from
UCM alumni.
UCM majors benefit from world languages education
A minor in World Languages and Cultures pairs well with a Modern Languages degree,
since several classes can be used towards completing the major. This allows you to
gain knowledge of additional languages in addition to your primary focus to expand
your skills and career opportunities. Undergraduate students who choose a minor in
World Languages and Cultures also often major in Criminal Justice, International Studies
or Political Science. Pairing any one of these majors with a World Languages and Cultures
minor is a solid choice to prepare for law school.
Looking forward with a Modern Languages degree or minor
Speak with the Modern Languages program coordinator or faculty member about other
opportunities with your World Languages and Cultures minor or Modern Languages degree.
We provide the interactive tool below for details on related careers.
Financial assistance options for your language and culture education
A quality education has substantial value, and at the University of Central Missouri,
our goal is to help you achieve it. That’s why we offer competitive tuition rates
— lower than those of other four-year colleges. In fact, we have been named a top-ranked
university for low student debt by LendEDU.
Discover our resources for financing your education. These provide information on scholarships, grants, loans and work study opportunities.
No matter your major, whether completing a Modern Language degree or Criminal Justice
degree, as examples, you’ll likely have a variety of opportunities for funding.
You can learn more about program-specific scholarships at the UCM Scholarship Finder.
Study World Languages Abroad
Immersive, real-world experience
What better way to study a language and culture than in the heart of it? UCM’s study
abroad program offers you various opportunities to get real-world experience, while
enjoying adventure and earning college credits. These range from two-week tours to
a semester-long stay in various destinations to provide the life and job experience
you seek.
Learn Where Adventure Awaits
Meet World Languages Instructors
Learn from native and advanced speakers
At the University of Central Missouri, we employ instructors who are among the best
in their respective languages, including Chinese, French, German and Spanish. These
include native speakers and tenured faculty — all who have been awarded for their
excellence in education. Whether you choose a Modern Languages degree or minor, our
instructors are committed to your linguistic and cultural proficiency.
Read Instructor Bios
Get Cultural Education and Fun
Join the Modern Languages Club
This club unites all Modern Languages degree and minor students in a greater understanding
of many cultures. Together, you’ll celebrate global events like Chinese New Year,
Day of the Dead and Oktoberfest, which give you greater insight into diverse world
languages and cultures.
Follow UCM’s Foreign Language Film Festival
Our annual event for students in grades 6–12
For 13 years, UCM has invited middle and high school students to campus in Warrensburg
to attend workshops and watch foreign films. The best part is that these films have
been created by these young students using Arabic, Chinese, French, German and Spanish
languages. We have the honor of reviewing them all, awarding the best and celebrating